Advocates For Faith & Freedom

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State to Squelch Undercover Reporting

In the wake of last year’s release of undercover videos depicting Planned Parenthood officials brokering in baby parts (including custom orders for specific parts), at least six states have yanked public funding for the nation’s largest abortion mill. California’s response? Punish the messenger.

Despite existing laws banning recordings without the permission of all parties, Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez (D-Los Angeles) has introduced AB 1671, which provides additional protections for healthcare

Woman Scientist: Stop Symbol

providers by making it illegal to distribute videos or transcripts of private conversations on any medical-related topic, not just a patient’s medical history. That means investigative reporters and researchers would be stripped of a vital tool in depicting unethical or illegal behavior such as billing practices and price setting for pharmaceuticals, to name a few.

The bill, which is now on its way to Gov. Jerry Brown’s desk, is opposed by the media outlets across the state, including the Los Angeles Times, which said that it would “disincentivize potential whistleblowers from recording malfeasance when they witness it.”

It is interesting to note that the left never seems to complain about such undercover recordings when it comes to disclosing the treatment of cows, pigs and chickens during the manufacturing process, but the gruesome treatment of babies is off limits.

Contact the governor about this bill by clicking here. To read more about this bill, click here.



Bowing to intense pressure, state Senator Ricardo Lara (D-Long Beach) removed the last objectionable content language in his bill targeting the religious beliefs of Christian colleges. A discriminatory provision requiring all faith-based institutions to report to the state the reason for expelling any students has been dropped. The bill is now on its way to the governor.