Advocates For Faith & Freedom

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Give Thanks to the Lord!

November Newsletter

I’d like to introduce you to Dominic Adams, our new Development Director for Advocates for Faith and Freedom. He joined our team in August and has been an incredible asset. Here is a gracious note from Dominic that he wanted to share with you, our supporters. I promise we didn’t force him to write this!

I was first introduced to Advocates a few years back when Nada was speaking at a local fundraiser for a pregnancy resource center. Her personal story and how the Lord used her to defeat a wicked bill that forced pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise for abortion (the Reproductive Fact Act) has stuck with me. Shortly after that, I had the opportunity to hear Bob speak at an event where he shared about the ministry and the impactful cases he was working on. Little did I know that a few years later, I would have the opportunity to join such an amazing team.

For the past three months, I’ve learned firsthand what Advocates is all about. I’ve worked and volunteered at several wonderful ministries in the past, but Advocates is unique and set apart in many ways.

Who they are influenced my decision to join the team, just as much as the mission of Advocates. I can truly say their passion, drive, and commitment to religious freedom and constitutional rights is unparalleled. It has been an honor to witness their work on a daily basis. Bob pours his heart and soul into this ministry that he founded 15 years ago. He does it out of a genuine love for God and the desire to honor Him. It’s humbling that Bob does not earn any income at all from this ministry, although it takes up a significant amount of his time. Instead, he raises money to pay his staff and cover the court fees. This speaks volumes to me.

Another aspect of this ministry that stands out is the tremendous support from all of you. Advocates has an extremely generous, strong, and committed base of supporters. This is displayed in many ways ranging from encouraging phone calls and notes we get in the mail, to financial support, and those who host small fundraising events in their homes.

I can see how God’s hand is clearly at work in this ministry. It is not a coincidence that Advocates was able to respond quickly at the outset of the Covid lockdowns when Churches started reaching out for help. The attorneys were ready and equipped with the many years of experience they had successfully defending religious liberty in the courts. God prepared Advocates for such a time as this.

As I celebrate Thanksgiving this year, I will praise God for the countless blessings he has bestowed upon this ministry. And may you and your family have a truly blessed and happy Thanksgiving.

Feel free to reach out to Dominic to connect with him and welcome him to the team. He has done an incredible job and is invested in helping the ministry thrive. We are grateful for him, and we are grateful for your support that made it possible for us to hire him and grow our ministry. As Dominic said, you are a big part of what makes Advocates extraordinary.

In His Service,

Robert H. Tyler

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.”

Psalm 136:1