Assembly Bill 569 or AB 569 - which the authors have duplicitously named “Discrimination: reproductive health” - would make it illegal for employers to require employment Codes of Conduct that prohibit abortion or contraception for its employees. The law is also intended to be used to outlaw Codes of Conduct prohibiting sex (cohabitation) outside of marriage. And if history is any indication, this bill will not stop there!
According to California Family Council, who is closely following this bill in Sacramento, the bill’s author believes organizations, even religious ones, are “invading the privacy and personal
lives of women.”
In short, if this bill is passed, it will outlaw private religious institutions such as universities and pro-life organizations from requiring codes of conduct based on their biblical values. You can see where this bill targets Christianity and discriminates against a faith-based organization’s ability to be faithful to their religious beliefs, ministry and mission, when they prohibit any of their “reproductive choices,” including abortion or extramarital sex.
“Every organization that promotes a pro-life message must be able to require its employees to practice what they preach,” said California Family Council’s Johnathan Keller.
AB 569 will be heard in the State Senate Appropriations Committee when our state legislators return from their break on Monday, August 21.
Let's all make a difference! Let's all speak up!
The best way to kill a bill is before it comes up for a vote to become law, so we are asking you to please take a moment to call the following State Senators that are on the Appropriations Committee, especially if you are in the District of one of these State Senators. (If you don’t know, you can click on the name to see District)
For strategic reasons, we are asking you to please urge the Republicans to vote NO and the Democrats to Abstain.
Ricardo Lara (D, Chair) Please Abstain
Sacramento: 916-651-4033
Local: 323-277-4560, 562-256-7912
Patricia Bates (R, Vice Chair) Please Vote NO
Sacramento: 916-651-4036
Local: 949-598-5850, 760-642-0809
Jim Beall (D) Please Abstain
Sacramento: 916-651-4015
Local: 408-558-1292
Steven Bradford (D) Please Abstain
Sacramento: 916-651-4035
Local: 310-514-8573, 310-412-6120
Jerry Hill (D) Please Abstain
Sacramento: 916-651-4013
Local: 650-212-3313
Jim Nielsen (R) Please Vote NO
Sacramento: 916-651-4004
Local: 916-772-0571, 530-879-7424, 530-751-8657
Scott Wiener (D) Please Abstain
Sacramento: 916-651-4011
Local: 415-557-1300
Please feel free to use your own words, but if it helps, below is a suggested call script you can use when calling.
Hello, my name is ____________________. I am a member of (give name of church and city or better yet, region). For pastors: I am the pastor of (give name of church and city or region) and I represent a congregation of (number).
I am calling to urge the Senator to Vote NO (Republicans) / ABSTAIN FROM VOTING (Democrats) on AB 569, the Reproductive Health Bill.
AB 569 prevents certain private Religious organizations from exercising their basic right under the Constitution to be faithful to their religious beliefs, ministry and mission. Government should uphold religious liberty and not impede or make illegal anyone’s right to freely associate with those of shared beliefs and practices.
This is not a partisan issue, it is a Religious liberty issue and I am asking Senator _________________ to Vote NO (Republican) / ABSTAIN (Democrat).
Thank you and God bless.
For a better chance of stopping this attack on private religious organizations, please share this email and encourage your pastors and other members of your congregations to call, as well.
Thank you all for participating in this important cause to protect and defend the religious liberties of Christian organizations in our state!
Advocates for Faith & Freedom would not be able to continue our ministry of defending religious liberty in and out of the courts without your prayers of support and tax deductible donations.