Advocates For Faith & Freedom

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A Tale Of Two Pandemics

Dear Reader,

I pray this newsletter finds you and your family safe and well. Perhaps, by the time you receive this, the uncertainty of the Novel (new) Coronavirus (COVID-19) has become more certain and our country and citizens are on their way to recovery.

When the occurrence of cases turned this virus into a pandemic and local, state and federal governments began issuing public school and private business closures, stay-home orders, travel constraints, and church and social gathering restrictions, pastors and church leaders began calling Advocate’s lawyers about their concern over the suspension of their constitutional rights to freedom of assembly.

Although government overreach is not uncommon in times of fear and crisis, we know that during a national health emergency, these mandates are legal – provided the change in power does not last longer than the duration of the emergency. Be assured Advocates’ lawyers have kept a very sharp eye on the situation.

During the past few weeks, we have all seen the amazing willingness of Americans to unite in compassion and selfless responsibility on behalf of their fellow citizens. Have you seen God use this wicked virus, intended for evil, for good? If you have, would you please send us a quick Facebook message, email or note. We would love to compile these stories and share them in our next newsletter or article. Also, if you have a personal need or prayer request, please contact us about that, too. Advocates wants you to know we are here for you, not only for legal advice, but for help and spiritual fellowship.

While the Coronavirus pandemic has all of us fixed on the chaos and tragedy this virus has waged around the world, we must not abandon our fight to protect the thousands of healthy babies that will be intentionally killed in their mothers’ wombs. This recent Supreme Court hearing offers us hope:

On March 4, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court of Appeals heard oral arguments for what some are saying is the most important abortion case of the year.

June Medical Services v. Russo has brought to light what the pro-abortion movement has tried to keep in darkness; the tragedy of abortion is not just the millions of babies killed, but the ongoing danger women face in abortion clinics that do not offer basic and quality medical treatment.

Outside the courthouse, both Pro-Lifers and Pro-Abortionists spoke at rallies stating that they were advocates for women.

Yet, while the Pro-Abortionist claim they are protecting a woman’s right to choose, they are deliberately hindering them from the right to choose quality physicians with hospital admitting privileges and basic health care treatment after their abortions. It is truly the Pro-Lifers that care for the well-being of women. They are fighting to ensure women are offered quality medical treatment and the right to be seen at a hospital in case there are medical complications after their procedures.

Jonathan Alexandre, from Liberty Counsel, spoke at the rally and said, “If you begin dehumanizing life within the womb - once you begin ignoring the value and the beauty of humans, anything that that life touches is devalued as well.... For decades they’ve given mothers sub-standard health care. They treat babies like trash and so they treat mothers in the same way.”

The high court will decide whether the Fifth Circuit’s decision upholding Act 620, a Louisiana law requiring physicians who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at local hospitals, conflicts with SCOTUS’s 2016 binding precedent in which a similar Texas law was ruled unconstitutional by a 5-3 vote for imposing a substantial obstacle and undue burden on abortion access.

The fight against abortion is truly a spiritual battle being fought in and out of the courtroom. And the fight for women who need love and protection will take all of us to do our part. It will take Christians to unite in fervent prayer, it will take the church to rise up in courage and boldness and defend life from the pulpit and for every Christian to vote Biblical principles. Please stand with us in this fight.

In faith and gratitude,

Nada Higuera, Esq.

P.S. During these Coronavirus government mandates, church sanctuary services were prohibited, Christian schools were closed and necessary fundraising events for para-ministries were cancelled. Your prayers and church tithes are first and foremost at this time. But if you are able your important financial support to Advocates for Faith & Freedom will enable our attorneys to provide essential pro bono legal advice and services to these organizations as we help our brothers and sisters in Christ through this difficult time. Thank you!