Unify SCC
If you were a member of UNIFYSCC, you may still have individual legal rights that can be pursued. This form is designed to gather important details about your situation so we can better understand your case and determine if we can help you move forward.
By completing and submitting this form, I acknowledge and agree that: (1) Submission of this form does NOT create any attorney-client relationship with Advocates for Faith and Freedom; (2) Advocates for Faith and Freedom has not agreed to represent me or any other person in this matter in any capacity by merely completing and submitting this form; (3) no attorney-client relationship or agreement for representation exists unless and until a separate written representation agreement is signed by both me and Advocates for Faith and Freedom; (4) any information I have provided to Advocates for Faith and Freedom may be shared within Advocates for Faith and Freedom as well as with outside third parties to the extent such is necessary or convenient for Advocates for Faith and Freedom in litigation; and (5) Advocates for Faith and Freedom has not agreed to review or act upon my submission of this form within any specific period of time, so that if the content of my submission contains a legal emergency or is otherwise time sensitive, I may not rely and am not relying upon Advocates for Faith and Freedom to protect my individual rights and interests and that I should seek and retain legal counsel from persons or entities other than Advocates for Faith and Freedom in order to protect whatever legal right or interests I might have.