Save Girls’ Sports
Join us
We invite California students, grades K-12, and their parents to stand with us in protecting fair and safe opportunities for girls in athletics. Save Girls' Sports is dedicated to preserving separate spaces and competition categories for females while empowering young athletes to thrive.
By supporting Save Girls’ Sports, you join a movement that champions fairness, equality, and the right to speak out for these values. Complete this form with your parent or guardian to show your support and commitment to the protection of girls' sports.
Mission Statement:
Save Girls' Sports exists to advocate for and protect opportunities for biological girls in athletics. Through advocacy, policy change, and bold conversations, we seek to empower girls and ensure integrity, safety, and common sense in sports for generations of female athletes to come.
We seek to preserve girls’ sports and girls’ spaces through our strategy of engaging, equipping and empowering athletes to advocate for separate spaces and competition and lead others to do the same.
Save Girls’ Sports supports policies and laws that recognize and uphold separate categories specifically for biological females.
Save Girls’ Sports is committed to advocating for fair and safe competition within female athletics.
Save Girls’ Sports supports the preservation of female-only spaces, such as bathrooms and lockers, exclusively for biological females.
Save Girls’ Sports is a California unincorporated association. By joining this association, the members acknowledge and agree that Advocates for Faith and Freedom will serve as the legal representative for the association, providing legal advice and services as necessary. Advocates for Faith and Freedom does not represent any individual member of Save Girls’ Sports, unless a separate written agreement is made to that effect. By participating and submitting this form, no attorney-client relationship is established between Advocates for Faith and Freedom and any individual member of Save Girls’ Sports.