Advocates For Faith & Freedom

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7 Years and Counting: Will YOU Help Us Press On?

We are so blessed that, for the past 7 years, we have been able to pursue our mission of defending religious liberty in our nation. Now, at this pivotal time, we are looking to the future – pressing on and continuing our work! In order to do this and to grow our impact, we are hoping to raise $2,500 in new monthly donations by the start of the New Year. If you are able, please consider pledging any amount that you can to our organization on a monthly basis. We rely on these gifts to cover our ongoing expenses and to plan for growth.

We know that pledging a monthly gift is a big commitment. So, we asked one of our longtime monthly donors, Emily, to share her story and why she continues to support Advocates every month:


"I became a monthly sponsor while attending my first Advocates dinner event. I knew little of the organization and was financially strapped at the time. The truth is, as a single-mom with a mortgage, school loans, monthly bills, and no outside financial support I found it easy to rationalize why I could not and should not support Advocates. My decision to become a monthly supporter of Advocates was a step of (hesitant) faith. Through the dinner, I got a glimpse of the people and vision behind Advocates. It was clear that Jen and Bob were carrying out the Lord's work. They impressed me with their zeal to preserve our Christian heritage in America; to defend the ideals of religious liberty and freedom; and they came across as 100% committed to advocating and honoring Christianity's position in America's current-day culture. Seeing dedication like that, how could I not do the same?

Making a monthly gift is a highly personal decision. I encourage you to pray over the decision and to have faith when God directs you to give. I struggled over how much to give and whether or not I would actually be able to keep a monthly commitment to giving. But, since making my first gift, I've never looked back and I haven't gone broke over it! There is no gift too small

, and there is not one dollar that our God can't stretch to accomplish something for His kingdom. Any money donated to Advocates is directly invested into something with a much greater return."

"If not you, then who? If not now, then when?"

If you would like to contribute to the future and growth of Advocates, please pledge a monthly gift right now, and help us reach our goal! All gifts are tax-deductible, and your monthly donation will directly contribute to our mission of protecting the First Amendment right of Christians to spread the Gospel!