Advocates For Faith & Freedom

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Baby Charlie's Tragic Tale of Government-Run Healthcare

Charlie Gard was born in the U.K. last August. Just weeks later, he was diagnosed with mitochondrial DNA  depletion syndrome. His diagnosis is that he will be unable to stand, walk, eat, talk and eventually breathe. Only the sixteenth known person in the world with the condition, Charlie’s doctors say he will die from his illness.

Now on life support, 11-month-old Charlie’s specialists at  The Great Ormond Street Hospital in London have decided the baby’s  life support should be turned off.

Under the U.K.'s government run health care system, Charlie’s  parents have been fighting for permission to send their son to the U.S. to undergo pioneering treatment lead by Dr.   Michio Hirano, a professor of neurology at Columbia University in New York.

They previously lost their fight in the High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court after British healthcare specialists successfully argued that "some conditions cannot be cured or improved."

Charlie’s heartbroken mother appealed to the British Prime Minister and the ironically named European Court of Human Rights, but they both backed the healthcare system’s decision that Charlie was too sick to be brought home to die, let alone be moved to the U.S for treatment.

Desperate to save their baby’s life, Charlie’s parents also took to social media. Charlie’s story made international headlines and prompted public outcry over the U.K.’s healthcare system’s decision.

And while members of the local church community stood outside The Great Ormond Street Hospital with posters to offer hope to his family, baby Charlie’s heart-wrenching story captured the world’s attention, including Pope Francis who tweeted, “To defend human life, above all when it is wounded by illness, is a duty of love that God entrusts to all.”  President Trump even offered his support by tweeting, “If we can help little #CharlieGard, as per our friends in the U.K. and the Pope, we would be delighted to do so.”

Possibly due to this publicity, in a new court development, the judge ruled to allow Dr. Hirano to examine Charlie with full access to his medical records and the hospital’s facilities! Dr. Hirano believes he can help save baby Charlie. The judge hopes to render his decision by July 25 and Charlie’s parents are feeling optimistic.

However, British healthcare officials have not changed their position. They maintain that every medical treatment option has already been explored and that any experimental treatment could not be justified. Clearly, financial consideration may be playing a part in the decisions made regarding baby Charlie’s life.

On their website,, Charlie’s parents say, “Charlie should get a chance to try these medications. He literally has nothing to lose but potentially a healthier, happier life to gain.”

Please join Advocates for Faith & Freedom as we pray for comfort for baby Charlie and his parents’ freedom to pursue his potential life-saving medical treatment. And as we discuss healthcare in our own country, we seek God’s wisdom for our legislature and His continued blessings on America’s doctors and hospitals. We thank the Lord for the freedom to choose our own medical treatment without government intrusion.

So that Advocates for Faith & Freedom can continue the fight for life and religious liberties in our own courts, we thank you for your prayers and financial support.

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