Advocates For Faith & Freedom

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BREAKING: Supreme Court announces that it will hear Gay Marriage cases

Gaymarriage The United States Supreme Court has announced that it will decide whether same-sex couples have a right to marry under the Constitution. The ruling will affect all fifty states and will either affirm or invalidate the political process states have in place to decide on such issues.

The Court will decide two issues:

  1. Whether the constitution requires states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
  2. Whether states must recognize same-sex marriages performed in another state.

Because of the implications of such a ruling, the Justices have decided to extend the time for arguments from one hour to two-and-a-half hours.

The case being brought before the Supreme Court comes from the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. In November, the Sixth Circuit upheld bans on same-sex marriage in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee. The Supreme Court will now hear from plaintiffs challenging the bans in each of those states.

The time is now to pray for the protection of the traditional marriage and family. We’ll be sure to send you an update if there are any developments in the story.