Advocates For Faith & Freedom

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National Day of Prayer ~ Thursday, May 3

On Thursday, May 3, people across the country will join together in prayer to lift up the well being of our nation, our leaders, our armed forces, and our future.

Since the establishment of the United States, our nation has succeeded because of the faith and prayers of its founding fathers, leaders, and people.  In 1775, when we were on the brink of birth as a nation, the Continental Congress asked the colonies to pray for wisdom in creating this new country.  Ever since that time, prayer has been an integral part of our foundation and progress:

  • In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln called for a day of “humiliation, fasting, and prayer.”
  • In 1952, President Harry Truman made the National Day of Prayer official, signing its annual observance into law.
  • In 1988, President Ronald Reagan designated that the first Thursday of every May would be the formal nationwide observance of the National Day of Prayer.

As the years progress and we see more and more of our inherent religious liberties seemingly slipping away from us, it is encouraging to know that our nation still gathers one day a year to ask for help and guidance from beyond ourselves – by the power and grace that can only come from God.  It is a day to recall the faith that drove the founding fathers to develop our country upon strong principles and to continue asking for God’s help in the development and perseverance of our nation.

Several organizations will be holding events next Thursday, and we encourage you to take part in them if you can.  You can find an event near you on the National Day of Prayer website:

Also, consider taking a moment during the day to spend in prayer with your family.  Lift up our nation and our leaders, asking for God’s guidance and provision for the future of America.