Advocates For Faith & Freedom

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Outstanding Supreme Court Pick

President Donald Trump has made good on a campaign promise to Evangelical Christians when he announced on Jan. 31st that Judge Neil Gorsuch is his choice to fill the vacant seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Many conservative court watchers see Judge Neil Gorsuch, who serves on the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, as a solid replacement for the late Antonin Scalia , who died nearly a year ago. One of Gorsuch’s highest profile rulings was in favor of Hobby Lobby, which successfully sued the Obama neil-gorsuchadministration over its birth control mandate for health care coverage.

“I thank God that if confirmed, this administration will have delivered on one of its most critical campaign promises—to appoint a judge in the mold of the late Justice Antonin Scalia who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and the original intent of its framers,” Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, said in a statement.

Southern California pastor, Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship, also praised the pick.

“Judge Gorsuch will have big shoes to fill in replacing the late and revered Justice Antonin Scalia,” Laurie said. “As Jefferson so eloquently reminded us, the God who gave us life gave us liberty. So, I pray Judge Gorsuch never forgets to value each and every American as our Maker does.”

The Supreme Court announcement was Trump’s third major pro-life action since his inauguration. During his first week in office, Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy, which bans federal funding for any foreign non-governmental organization that offers referrals for abortions. The Trump administration also signaled its strong support for human life by sending Vice President Mike Pence to speak at the Jan. 27th March for Life in Washington D.C. Vice President Pence was the highest ranking federal official to ever attend the annual prolife march.