Advocates For Faith & Freedom

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Pastors Disrupt D.C.!

Dear Friends, If you follow us on Facebook and receive our Advocates In Action emails, you’ve heard about my recent trip to Washington, D.C.  Advocates for Faith & Freedom was honored to be a sponsor of Church United’s Awakening Tour for California pastors.

Church United’s founder, Pastor Jim Domen, admits his purpose is to “disrupt” California pastors and bring a revival to the churches of California. And I believe a sense of revival is about to happen!

Over 150 pastors and influential church leaders from across the state came together in May to accept the challenge to pray for our politicians, pray for revival and to respond to the spiritual issues that threaten our communities.  At least 28 of these pastors are affiliated with Advocates for Faith & Freedom’s ministry!

Everyone prayed for an awakening in the Church!

Church United arranged for most pastors to meet with their own congressional representatives to pray with them and for them.  Most of the politicians were extremely encouraged by their visit from the pastors. God definitely had His hand in the connection made between the pastors and their elected officials!

The pastors were encouraged by so many Christian congressmen and senators who boldly warned that revival won’t come from Washington D.C., but will be flamed in our local churches. After all, California is the birthplace of some of our most significant revivals like Azusa Street and the Calvary Chapel “Jesus People” movement.  The pastors came in unity from the inner-city to the suburbs, from democrat to republican, from orthodox to charismatic, from rich to poor. It was an amazing symbol of a “church united” in the heart of our Nation’s capital.

U.S. Senator Ben Sasse, House of Representatives Leader Kevin McCarthy, Freedom Caucus Chairman Congressman Mark Meadows, Congressman Mike Johnson, CA State Senator Mike Morrell, and many more spoke with a conviction that called on these pastors to find the courage to speak from the pulpit and the public square with faith and without fear! All Believers, some were even former pastors who said they never aspired to run for public office, but seeing the decline of our country’s religious and moral character, they are now giving a voice to America’s Christians who feel they’ve been forgotten by their government.

I was blessed to have had the opportunity to share with these pastors about Advocates for Faith & Freedom’s ministry. Simply put, we exist to defend their First Amendment right to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Now, inspired by the hope of revival and the unity they shared, here is what these pastors had to say…

So, what can you do to help inspire this united message of hope for California and our country? Please pass this newsletter on to your own pastors and encourage them to contact us about attending the next Pastors’ Awakening Tour in Washington, D.C. You can also contact Church United directly at

As Advocates for Faith & Freedom continues our fight in the courts for you and your church’s right to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, won’t you partner with us with your prayers of support? And won’t you consider sending a tax-deductible gift of $25, $100, $250 or more?

Thank you for your generous support, which allows us to continue our ministry in law and our partnership with other ministries like Church United!