Advocates For Faith & Freedom

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Twitter Backs Down to Citizen Activists

Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn is the Republican chairwoman of the House panel that was created to investigate Planned Parenthood after they were secretly videotaped by pro-life activist David Daleiden admitting to selling fetal tissue for medical research.  Earlier this year Blackburn’s committee urged the federal government to stop taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood.

Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn  is now running for U.S. Senate to replace retiring Tennessee Senator Bob Corker and her campaign kickoff just received more attention than she could have imagined thanks to what appears to be a politically biased opinion by Twitter.

Her campaign kickoff ad saying she “stopped the sale of baby body parts” was blocked by Twitter because they deemed the statement “inflammatory and likely to evoke a negative reaction.”

Blackburn immediately took to social media, claiming Twitter unfairly censored her ad because of its anti-abortion stance.  She urged her supporters to stand up to Silicon Valley elites and re-post her video ad themselves.

Evidently, her challenge worked because yesterday, Twitter reversed their decision and they will now allow Blackburn’s campaign to put her video announcement back up. On Fox news, Blackburn said she believes Twitter reversed its decision because “the American people rose up.”

Just as Representative Blackburn’s supporters stood with her against social media bias, Advocates for Faith & Freedom’s lawyers continue standing up in the courts against bias and religious discrimination.

Through the prayers and donations of our faithful supporters, we are defending the right of Chino Valley Unified School District School Board Members to say invocations before their meetings. We are helping Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship fight land-use discrimination so they can expand their church on their own property. And we are fighting to end California’s unconstitutional law that forces pro-life clinics like the Scharpen Foundation to refer their patients to abortion facilities.

All of these cases, and more, are continually coming before the courts for decisions that affect our constitutional and religious liberties!  When you think about your year-end charitable giving, please consider a gift to our important ministry.


We thank you for your faithful prayers and your tax-deductible donations!