Advocates For Faith & Freedom

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We're Outraged...You will be too!

As you know, we asked you to pray for us last week as we sought to obtain an injunction against California’s new Reproductive FACT Act. We’re sorry we have not given you an update as we have been extremely busy litigating the two cases – one in federal court in Oakland, CA and one in state court in Riverside County, CA. As we told you last week, this new law requires licensed pro-life pregnancy counseling centers to post or distribute in their reception areas a telephone number where women can obtain free or low

Newborn resting. Soft focus, Adobe RGB.

cost abortions.

Unfortunately, the courts ruled against the protection of religiously-based speech. Essentially, the courts both ruled that the government has an overriding interest to ensure that all women have access to free and low cost abortions and contraceptives, regardless of the fact that the government is using pro-life Christian organizations to carry its anti-life message.

This is an outrage and we won’t surrender our free speech to a culture of death.

We are appealing both the federal and state court decisions this week and have sought an emergency injunction from the appellate courts to prevent the law from going into effect on January 1.

We know there are a lot of worthy causes and ministries asking you for support right now.  We would appreciate it if you would consider including Advocates for Faith & Freedom in your year-end contributions.

Our firm’s attorneys have contributed thousands of hours in time and energy over the last few years because of our passion to protect your First Amendment liberties.

We have a lot of work to do in the remaining hours of 2015 as we appeal these cases. Meanwhile, we still have to file another brief in the Ninth Circuit in an entirely separate case.

There will be plenty of work to do in 2016 and we need to be prepared. Advocates is 100% donor supported and can only operate with the financial support from people like you. Would you prayerfully consider a gift today of $10, $50, $500 or whatever you can give?

God bless you and thank you for your consideration!

Robert No Background



Robert Tyler General Counsel

For your convenience, you can click here or if you prefer to mail in a donation, just be sure your donation has a postmark of December 31, 2015 in order to receive credit for this year.  Mail to: Advocates for Faith & Freedom at 24910 Las Brisas Road, Ste. 109, Murrieta, CA  92562.