Advocates For Faith & Freedom

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Will You Buy a Box of Girl Scout Cookies?

 In our neighborhoods, young Girl Scouts and their mothers are setting up cookie sales tables outside local grocery and retail stores.  Teenage members of a church girls’ youth group offer these traditional family-favorites for sale from a colorful Girl Scout cookie booth in the church courtyard after Sunday service.

But, several years ago, an uncomfortable rumor began circulating over social media that a portion of Girl Scout cookie sale proceeds was donated to Planned Parenthood. Girl Scouts of America denies this rumor and says that no proceeds from cookie sales have ever been donated to Planned Parenthood.

Their official statement is, “Girl Scouts does not take a position on abortion or birth control. We believe these are matters that are best discussed within the family.” We’re good with that statement.

It was also rumored that Girl Scouts of America promotes and supports organizations with less than Christian social values, so raising money for them goes against our principles. Although local Girl Scout troops will tell you that one hundred percent of the net revenue raised through their cookie sales stays with them. The individual troops set goals on how to spend their proceeds.

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." ~ Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV)

          The girls may choose entertainment or educational activities or outings such as paying their own way to a community event or museum. They might choose to use proceeds to participate in community service projects. Either way,  it is a lesson in planning, work ethic, and financial responsibility.  And those are Christian values, so we’re good with that.
           We did find that the Girl Scouts of America does have a legislative agenda.  According to their website, one of their goals is increasing girls’ involvement in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). We’re good with that, too.

In a world where social media has turned just about everything into a negative, political argument - and where young people are retreating to their bedrooms, TV, and computers -  perhaps, as Christians, we could take a step back, allow these girls their childhood, and offer prayers and support for these cheerful, hard-working little entrepreneurs.
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." ~ Mathew 6:34 (NIV)
The hardest part for us will be choosing between Thin Mints, Do-si-dos, Peanut Butter Patties, and Samoas!  What are your thoughts?
  As Advocates for Faith & Freedom continues the fight for the future of religious liberty in our courts in cases involving life, Christians' rights of conscience, parental rights, free speech, and more, we are very appreciative of your faithful prayers and your donations of support.  And, if you or anyone you know believes their constitutional rights have been denied, please contact us. We are here for you!