Advocates For Faith & Freedom

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The Common Denominator: Big Tech

July-August Newsletter

We have been working hard in a variety of areas from church closures, election integrity, vaccine mandates, and big tech censorship with lawsuits dealing with each of these issues. I’m going to update you on the cases and then tell you how these issues are connected, with big tech at the center.                                                     

When Advocates took initiative back in 2018 by filing a lawsuit on behalf of Jim Domen against the video sharing website Vimeo, Inc., we had a small sense of how pivotal the case would become. But Covid shed light on just how dangerous social media censorship has become, and how it has been the vehicle behind stripping away our basic freedoms and liberties.

Let’s start with the state shuttering in-person church services for over a year. California limited worship services to online platforms - the same platforms that can unilaterally delete and shut down the accounts of churches with no recourse. Big Tech wants to be able to discriminate against users with no liability, while at the same time limit worship to online streaming. We are still battling the state in litigation over the previous church closures and will continue the fight to ensure churches will never be shut down in California again.

We also have a lawsuit regarding election integrity to clean up voter rolls in California. We have seen how Big Tech meddled in the last presidential election – from fact checking, censoring conservatives, deleting the accounts of a sitting United States president, and even banning any questions about the legitimacy of the election. After the election, we learned that under the pretext of assisting election officials conduct “safe and secure” elections in the age of COVID, Mark Zuckerberg donated $400 million to organizations founded and run by left-wing activists to help conduct elections and purchase voting machines. We will continue to fight to ensure election integrity and bring back your confidence in the democratic voting process. 

One final area we have seen Big Tech hijack, infringing upon our rights, is with mask mandates, Covid-19 therapeutics, and vaccines. Tens of thousands of medical doctors and scientists have been censored all over the world, by Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Why? Because these social media giants state that ONLY what the World Health Organization says, is true. This includes the censorship of any content that is critical of the Covid-19 vaccines and mask mandates.

We could not have foreseen all this back in 2018 when we filed our lawsuit challenging the blanket immunity Big Tech has to censor and discriminate, but here we are. In July 2021 we learned that the Second Circuit granted our request for a rehearing, but the court merely upheld the previous decision granting Big Tech immunity. This lawsuit is now headed to the United States Supreme Court. 

It has been eye opening to see the inter connectedness of all these cases. We know it’s not a coincidence that God has us on the front lines of all these areas – and that all these lawsuits have a common enemy: Big Tech by and through corrupt government officials. These lawsuits are a way to attack tyranny from multiple angles. Our hope as we litigate these cases is to shed light on the corruption fueling the ever-growing infringements on our most basic civil liberties. The ultimate resolution of these cases will have far-reaching, national impact.

Please continue to stand with us, pray for us, and partner with us financially as we stand on the frontlines in these legal and spiritual battles. You play a critical role in the success of these cases and all we do at Advocates. We are committed to helping you, your family and our country preserve our constitutional rights, but now more than ever, we need you standing with us in support. 

"Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.”
Psalm 147:5 NIV