Planned Parenthood is at it Again

         Planned Parenthood has sponsored and is a key advocate of AB 154 in California – a bill that would dramatically increase the number of abortions in this state. According to Planned Parenthood, the bill would “address the current shortage of health care professionals able to provide early abortion care in California” and reduce long wait times.  If passed, the bill would allow nurse practitioners, physicians’ assistants, and certified midwives to perform first trimester abortions by means of aspiration (suctioning out the contents of the uterus) or medication (drugs that end a pregnancy). Baby_hand_and_adult Not only is this an affront to the value of life, but this could also be a potential safety issue for pregnant mothers.   Allowing non-physicians to administer these procedures could possibly result in a higher risk of complications.

We strongly oppose a bill that widens the availability of abortion and further demeans the value of unborn life.  This bill has already passed through two committees in the California legislature…please join us in prayer as it moves to the Assembly Appropriations Committee!


Please contact the members on the California Assembly Appropriations Committee and tell them you strongly oppose AB 154!  Find their contact information here:

Why Are "Adult Businesses" Protected More Than Churches?

Local zoning laws are required by law to permit “adult businesses” without the same burdens hurled upon churches. The U.S. Supreme Court has determined that “adult businesses” are entitled to protection from discriminatory zoning laws because the businesses’ “speech” and “expression” are protected by the First Amendment. And why aren't churches and Christian schools entitled to the same protection as “adult businesses”? It's because of the fact no legal precedent has yet been established on behalf of the churches.

We have a plan to correct this injustice in the courts, but we need your help!

Please be on the lookout for churches that are going through the permitting process to occupy a building, expand their facilities or build a new building. Refer them to Advocates for Faith and Freedom because we can probably help.

We have also found that many zoning regulations applied to churches are unconstitutionally applied or violate the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act. Regulations are often unlawful because they impose substantial burdens on churches that are not justified or they impose burdens on churches that are not equally imposed upon other similar uses like movie theaters and assembly halls. Sometimes, churches are unlawfully excluded from zoning districts while other similar uses are permitted.

Please let your church leaders know that we are here to help them. We are searching for the right cases with the right set of facts in order to establish the legal precedent that is long overdue.


Victory in San Diego!

Last week, we received an urgent call from one of our ministry friends, Ron Harper. He asked for our immediate help to prevent the County of San Diego from placing a huge burden on churches.church_parking_lot Ron is a contractor who specializes in building churches. Ron informed us that the County of San Diego was planning to adopt a new law that would require all churches to drastically increase the amount of parking they provide before they expand any facilities or build a new building.

Ron said that the new law would require churches to purchase twice the amount of land currently required. Further, a church would be required to buy almost twice the amount of land that a similarly sized movie theater, convention center or other assembly-type use would be required to buy even though the parking needs are the same.

In most cases, the cost of having church in the County of San Diego would be so great that churches would be priced out of existence.

We intervened and wrote an extensive legal opinion to the County of San Diego on behalf of numerous churches, including Maranatha Christian Fellowship and Horizon Christian Fellowship, explaining why the new law violated federal law. Along with Ron, we were able to build a grassroots effort in about 12 hours that included an e-mail blast from a San Diego state assemblyman and support from San Diego churches representing tens of thousands of residents.

The Board of Supervisors unanimously voted down the new law and in favor of churches. The Supervisors mentioned that this had become “a huge controversy, suddenly-out of the blue.” Ron Harper commented, “It was great to watch a victory come together ‘out of the blue’ in such a short time!”

Thank you for supporting our ministry so that we can quickly come to the aid of worthy causes like this one!  Although this case will never hit national news, the victory will help save millions upon millions of dollars for San Diego churches.

Preliminary Victory for Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship

Calvary_Chapel_Bible_FellowshipShortly after Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship (affectionately known as "The Barn”) was built in 1999, the County of Riverside, CA, covertly passed a ban on further expansion or establishment of churches in the Temecula Wine Country. After The Barn decided last year to expand its church facilities and build a small private country school for grades K-8, they learned of the County’s ban on churches. We have advised the County that the ban violates federal law and is unconstitutional.

Last week, we won a preliminary victory, as the Board of Supervisors in Riverside County, California, voted unanimously to begin considering an amendment to the existing zoning regulations that would allow churches and other religious organizations to move into the Temecula Wine Country! This does not assure churches the right to move into Wine Country just yet, but it does show a positive sign that the Board will begin working with us to correct the unlawful ordinances.


Roe v. Wade - 40 Years Later

This week marks the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, when the Supreme Court made the decision to legalize abortion in the United States.  Since that time,almost 55 million babies have died.  To some, the abortion issue is a controversial one that produces heated debates.  Others are apathetic on the issue and simply accept the status quo – that abortion will always be legal in the US.  In fact, in a recent Pew poll, 53% of respondents (in all age groups) think abortion “is not that important, compared to other issues.”

We choose to continue praying that the hearts and minds of our leaders will be changed, and that we will one day see the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the courts.  As Christians, we believe that life begins at conception and that God plans each life even before that time!  In Jeremiah 1:5, God says, “I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb.”

Our Constitution promises the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – and yet our nation is systematically denying millions of unborn babies their right to life.  Please join us in continued prayer that abortion would be rejected by our President, Congress, judges, and women who are contemplating abortion.

A Positive Outlook on the Next 4 Years

So far, we at Advocates have not said much since the election last November.  But, now that we are in a New Year and looking forward, we want to share our positive outlook on our nation’s leadership, the liberties we possess, and the work that we continue to do! Daniel 2:21 says, “He [God] changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.”  In God’s perfect timing and plan, He set up President Obama to serve as America’s leader for four more years. 

We as a nation – and especially us Christians – should continue to pray for President Obama, for the direction our nation is heading, and for God’s intercession in the issues at hand.  Because, according to Proverbs 21:1, we know that God can direct the hearts of our leaders:

  “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes.”

More personally to us here at Advocates, we continue to thank God that He blessed our nation with a Constitution that is worth protecting.  We are still free to spread the Gospel to others at home and abroad, and we celebrate that.

As long as the Lord allows, we will continue to protect the Constitution and our God-given liberty to spread His Good Word.  Thank you for your continuing support, and we are excited for what is to come this year and beyond!

Military Insignia No Longer Allowed on Bibles

The publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention recently stated that U.S. military insignia is no longer allowed on the Soldier's Bible, Sailor's Bible, Marine's Bible and Airman's Bible. Permission to use the military emblems on the Bibles was granted by the Department of Defense in 2003, but it was withdrawn last year after the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) threatened to sue the government for what they say amounted to governmental endorsement of a specific religion.  Now, a generic symbol is printed on the Bibles.

Once again, it seems that the concept of “separation of church and state” has been misconstrued and used to scare our government into more political-correctness.  

Col. Ron Crews, executive director of The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, made the following statement:

“From General George Washington until today, military personnel have taken counsel, received comfort, and been encouraged by biblical texts.  These Bibles cost the Department of Defense nothing, and their presence is legally legitimate; therefore, no reason exists for the DoD to retreat in the face of the small anti-religious group that demanded removal of the Bibles.”

Senate Votes on Pro-Abortion Appointment

On June 11, the Senate voted to end the filibuster concerning the appointment of David Hurwitz, whom President Obama has recommended to fill a vacancy at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, CA. Much controversy surrounds this appointment.  Why?  In 2002, Hurwitz wrote a law review article in which he says he helped create the legal framework for the Roe v. Wade decision – which legalized abortion – and says he still admires it.  Over 50 million abortions have been performed in our nation since the decision of that divisive case.

Is it right for someone with such strong opinions of a very controversial and still legally-battled issue to be deciding the legality surrounding that matter?  The biggest concern for opponents to his appointment is that he will let his personal feelings and history on the matter influence his judicial decisions.The President of the Judicial Action Group, Phillip L. Jauregui, sent a letter urging Republican Senators not to support this nomination.  He said:"Senators who consider themselves ‘pro-life’ simply cannot, in good conscience, vote for Andrew Hurwitz. It is rare for a nominee to have taken a position on abortion, and perhaps unprecedented for a nominee to have participated in the creation of the “rationale” of Roe v. Wade that usurped legislative authority by purporting to write “abortion” into the text of the constitution.  A judge like Hurwitz who played such a clear role in one of the most significant exercises of judicial activism in our nation’s history must not be confirmed."  (emphasis added)

Despite these impassioned pleas, the Senate voted to end the discussion and confirm Mr. Hurwitz to the Ninth Circuit, with a vote of 60-31.ACTION POINT

Please pray for future cases that go before the Ninth Circuit.  We have been before this Court many times and know how difficult it already is to receive a conservative judgment.  With this additional appointment to the Court, our work may be even harder.

National Day of Prayer ~ Thursday, May 3

On Thursday, May 3, people across the country will join together in prayer to lift up the well being of our nation, our leaders, our armed forces, and our future.

Since the establishment of the United States, our nation has succeeded because of the faith and prayers of its founding fathers, leaders, and people.  In 1775, when we were on the brink of birth as a nation, the Continental Congress asked the colonies to pray for wisdom in creating this new country.  Ever since that time, prayer has been an integral part of our foundation and progress:

  • In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln called for a day of “humiliation, fasting, and prayer.”
  • In 1952, President Harry Truman made the National Day of Prayer official, signing its annual observance into law.
  • In 1988, President Ronald Reagan designated that the first Thursday of every May would be the formal nationwide observance of the National Day of Prayer.

As the years progress and we see more and more of our inherent religious liberties seemingly slipping away from us, it is encouraging to know that our nation still gathers one day a year to ask for help and guidance from beyond ourselves – by the power and grace that can only come from God.  It is a day to recall the faith that drove the founding fathers to develop our country upon strong principles and to continue asking for God’s help in the development and perseverance of our nation.

Several organizations will be holding events next Thursday, and we encourage you to take part in them if you can.  You can find an event near you on the National Day of Prayer website:

Also, consider taking a moment during the day to spend in prayer with your family.  Lift up our nation and our leaders, asking for God’s guidance and provision for the future of America.

Blockbuster Case in Education Goes to the U.S. Supreme Court

Four years ago, Chad Farnan was a high school student at Capistrano High School in Orange County, CA.  Day after day, he would attend his Advanced Placement European History class and have to endure anti-religious statements from his teacher, such as, “When you put on your Jesus glasses, you can’t see the truth.”  Chad realized that this offensive speech was an attack on religion and thus violated his First Amendment rights. He came to Advocates for help, and we have brought this case before several different Courts.  We had a victory in the District Court, where the Judge ruled that this teacher violated the Establishment Clause in at least one instance when he expressed "an unequivocal belief that creationism is 'superstitious nonsense.’"

The case was appealed to the Ninth Circuit, which overturned that ruling and said that the teacher was immune from a lawsuit since there was no case like this before.  Then, the Ninth Circuit refused to rule on the constitutionality of the teacher’s conduct as it should have done, leaving future teachers free to discriminate.

We have fought for Chad and his family since the beginning, and we are now taking his case to the highest Court in our nation  ⎼⎼ the U.S. Supreme Court.  Why?  Because we believe that this case is supremely important to establish once and for all that public schools must provide a neutral educational environment.  Although we support the majority of teachers who teach responsibly, we cannot tolerate those public school teachers who abuse their position to force anti-Christian ideology onto our students!

We will be working diligently over the next month preparing our petition to the U.S. Supreme Court asking the Court to accept Chad’s case for review.

Chad, his family, and all of us at Advocates appreciate your prayers and support as we pursue this case further.  Our hope is that this landmark education case will provide powerful precedent for the future.