For the past few years, Advocates has taken a very special interest in the rights and liberties afforded to our children as students in the public school system. We have done this not only to ensure their rights in the school setting, but also to take a stand for families who want to bring up their children in the moral structure that they choose.
Parents and families, we want you to realize that when your children go to school, they will be encouraged, if not compelled, to adopt ideals and morals that do not support what you are teaching them at home. And, to educate you on what is happening in the schools and what your children are or will be facing everyday, we have put together a booklet called “Hijacked K-12”. These are just a few of the alarming situations we came across in our research and experiences:
- Students may leave school grounds to receive psychological counseling, vaccinations for STDs, abortions or other pregnancy-related treatments during school hours…and the school does not have to provide notice to the parents.
- The California Teacher’s Association (CTA) now warns its teachers: “Please do not assume anyone’s gender, even people you may have met in the past. A person’s external appearance may not match their internal gender identity.” They have also suggested, “One way of acknowledging the needs of all people is to designate restrooms as gender neutral.” (emphasis added)
- Schools have not only taken religion out of the public school system, but they have also displayed outright hostility towards students and teachers who espouse Christian views, examples of which we detail in the booklet.
If you are a parent, a teacher, or a student – we encourage you to get a copy of this booklet to educate yourself and your family or colleagues. This information is eye opening and thought provoking, and we have provided tips for how you as a parent or teacher can take action to protect your or your children’s rights!
We want to get the word out about this information as much as possible, and you can help us by doing one or more of the following:
- Request a booklet. Please call us at (888) 588-6888 to order one or more copies. We are asking for a $5 donation for a hard copy of this booklet, or we can email you a PDF digital copy for no charge, or any donation you’d like to give. The booklet will eventually be available on our website as well.
- Forward this information on to your friends, family, and colleagues. Please help us spread the word, and let’s get as many people informed as possible!
- Tell your church, Bible study leader, parents group, private school, or other organizations to contact us to speak. We are willing and ready to get this information out any way that we can, and a great channel for this is speaking engagements. If you or someone you know may be interested in having us speak, please contact Lori Sanada at (888) 588-6888.
We believe that this message is urgent, and we want everyone to know what is happening in our schools, as well as what we as parents, teachers, and concerned citizens can do to protect our students and our families. Thank you so much for your help!
Dinesh D’Souza, Author and Director of the 2016 Movie, will be at Justice 2012!
Recently, the movie 2016: Obama’s America opened in movie theaters around the nation, and it was a surprising hit. The movie was written and directed by Dinesh D’Souza, and it explores the premise: Who is this man who is running our country, and what is his vision for the future of America? And what direction do we as Americans want for our country as we look toward our nation’s future?
Incredibly, this gripping documentary has earned upwards of $20 million so far – more than 5 times the amount the second highest-grossing documentary of the year earned…and this one had barely any promotional budget! Americans are clearly concerned about the upcoming election this year and what is going to become of our beloved nation. Dinesh D’Souza and this movie provide facts about what must be done to ensure that America and our liberties continue to grow, not diminish.

Our own Robert Tyler, Advocates General Counsel, saw the movie recently and stated, “I was astounded at how little we truly know about the man who holds the greatest power in not only our nation, but also the world. It proved to me even more how important the work we do here at Advocates - protecting our religious liberties and defending our individual rights - truly is!"
Dinesh D’Souza is our keynote speaker at the Justice 2012 Gala this year, happening in Costa Mesa, CA on October 6. Dinesh will be sharing a message about “Liberating America,” including some of the facts he uncovered about our leader and the direction our nation is now heading, and why it is so imperative to continue fighting for our liberties!
In addition, we are proud to announce the return of Warren Duffy as the emcee for Justice 2012. From 1994 to 2004, afternoon drive-time radio listeners in Southern California tuned in daily from 4 to 7 p.m. on 99.5, KKLA, to hear the award winning talk program “Duffy and Company.” Since leaving the air in 2004, Duffy keeps busy serving as a speaker and leader of “Duffy Tours”worldwide.
Tickets are going fast, and seating is limited...So, if you are interested in hearing from Dinesh D’Souza and supporting our continued fight for religious liberty, please visit or call (888) 588-6888 to purchase tickets now.
Robert Tyler
Advocates for Faith & Freedom