Legal Green Light: Court Gives Nod to Advance Case
We are very excited to share that we have received a favorable legal holding in our case for Jessica Tapia. Jessica was a public school teacher who was dismissed from her position at Jurupa Unified School District after her refusal to comply with gender ideology policies, citing her Christian beliefs.
Parent Power Play: Taking on Government's Interference in the Family
Protecting Parental Rights: The Challenge Against California's Vaccine Mandate
Faith, Church, and Culture: Navigating Legal Challenges
County Sued for Tracking Churchgoers
Can you imagine where we would be if good people and organizations like ours did not stand against the deception at work in the United States? I can guarantee that your religious freedom would have already been stifled if it were not for the work that God is doing through Advocates for Faith & Freedom and others who are like-minded.