Ms. Tapia received a Notice of Unprofessional Conduct from the District, which included twelve baseless allegations. She was accused of posting offensive content on her personal Instagram, referencing her faith in conversations with students, and expressing controversial opinions on gender identity. The District claimed her posts were racist, offensive, and disrespectful toward individuals based on their sexual orientation. However, these allegations were a gross mischaracterization, as Ms. Tapia loves and respects all people, regardless of sexual orientation, race, or gender.
Press Release | California Public School Teacher Fired For Her Religious Beliefs Settles With California School District
The Jurupa Unified School District Board approved a settlement agreement between Jessica Tapia and the Jurupa Unified School District to settle her lawsuit for $360,000. Last year, Advocates for Faith and Freedom filed a lawsuit challenging Jurupa Unified School District in the Central District of California after the wrongful termination of public school teacher Jessica Tapia for her religious beliefs.
Bills to Pay Attention to Across the U.S. - Idaho's Vulnerable Child Protection Act
SB 277 Update - Vaccine Mandates
This week, we fortified our complaint against SB 277, which removed religious exemption option from school vaccine mandates. Armed with additional data, compelling evidence, and persuasive arguments, we are highlighting the flaws of this bill. We anticipate that these new additions will aid us in countering the State’s motion to dismiss.
Unyielding Battles: Truth on Trial
In the heart of America, a battle is growing. This battle is not fought with weapons, but with words, convictions, and truth. At its epicenter stands churches and their pastors, steadfast in their commitment to boldly live out their faith from the pulpit. In an era where the landscape of cultural norms is constantly shifting, these churches and pastors find themselves under fire, their beliefs and teachings scrutinized, and their convictions challenged. They stand as beacons of unwavering faith in a world where compromise is often seen as the path of least resistance.
We Need Your Help
Religious Freedom has Powerful Defenders
Huge Triumph Amidst Surge in New Cases
In a culture where constitutional liberties are increasingly challenged, Advocates continues to stand as a defender of the principles that define the United States as a beacon of freedom and prosperity. Our mission is clear: safeguarding the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution, from religious freedom and free speech to election integrity, parental rights, and the protection of both born and unborn children. As the landscape of American society shifts, so too does the battle of forces facing both Americans and people of faith. This ever-growing battle demands steadfastness as we wade through an era marked by shifting cultural norms and legal precedents.