Jessica Tapia
Public relations advocates
Jessica Tapia serves as the Public Relations Advocate at Advocates for Faith & Freedom, where she empowers believers to stand boldly for their Christian faith and champions religious liberty—arguably America’s most fundamental freedom. In 2023, she was fired from a Southern California school district for refusing to compromise her beliefs in compliance with transgender policies. She sued the district alongside Advocates, securing a landmark settlement victory in May 2024 that gained nationwide attention.
Jessica has shared her story on Fox News with Tucker Carlson, Newsmax, OAN, The Charlie Kirk Show, and more. She has been featured in numerous podcasts and documentaries, including 22 Words, The War On Children, and Identity Crisis.
She earned her B.A. in Kinesiology, M.A. in Education, and Single Subject Teaching Credential from California Baptist University, where she also participated in two life-changing mission trips. Called by God to teach, she has served in various educational roles and now homeschools her three young children—a blessing that emerged from losing her public school teaching position. Jessica’s personal battle for religious freedom has ignited a passion to see the church rise in boldness rather than bow to cultural pressure.