Sex Ed Even More Graphic & Biased in 2019-2020 School Year: Advocates Wants Parents and Teachers to Know Their Rights!

As the 2019-20 school year starts across the country, Advocates is sounding the alarm to parents and teachers that an accelerated, undiscerning and brazenly biased social and sexual indoctrination is occurring in our public schools.

State and National Education Associations have partnered with organizations like the
Human Rights Campaign, Planned Parenthood and several kid's book authors and they are providing supplemental materials that are approved for school districts’ use in teaching public school children about sex. is a state approved website that many so-called conservative school districts give to middle and high school students as a supplement to Comprehensive Sexuality Education lessons. One of the site’s articles, 4 Signs You Are About To Have Sex For The Wrong Reasons tells teens, "This is all to say that having sex for the right reasons and in the right situation is always a good idea."  What concerns some parents is that, since the school authorities are getting most of their information from all those liberal organizations they are operating from an incorrect assumption that ALL teens are having sex. This is confusing and intimidating to teens whose families value waiting until marriage before having sex. Why not teach, "JUST SAY NO!" Just say “No” to drugs, to alcohol, to joining a gang, to tattoos, to watching porn, to dropping out of school AND to sex before marriage!  There are lots of things parents tell their kids to say “No” to, right?

Another state approved website that “conservative” school districts are handing out as a supplement to students as young as 12 is

One tab on TeenSource’s home page is labeled Know Your Rights and offers this alarming legal advice to our, by now pretty empowered and experienced middle and high school kids:

  • California law allows: Schools to excuse you during the school day for confidential "minor consent" health services.

  • California law does not allow: Schools to adopt a policy that requires parent or guardian consent when you are excused from school for confidential medical care.

Advocates for Faith & Freedom attorneys recognize that at this point, there is little parents can do to protect their public school children from this ideologically biased indoctrination.  Opting out of comprehensive sex education is not a solution but a band aid.

If a middle or high school student is dealing with same-sex attraction, the school is only able to direct them to an “affirming” counselor or organization such as Parents, Families, & Friends of Lesbians and Gays  (PFLAG).

In California and 17 other states, there are laws banning counseling children who are questioning their gender identities – that is, unless the counsellor wants to automatically support gender identity changes, name changes and pronouns, regardless of parents’ conflicting concerns.

In order to comply with the state mandate on AB 329 many school district board members are turning to the ACLU for legal advice and instruction.

A website link to the ACLU’s recommended check list for school districts to use to evaluate their LGBT and Gender-Inclusiveness offers these tools for instruction:

  • Your instruction affirmatively recognizes that people have different sexual orientations

  • Your instruction uses respectful terminology as opposed to terminology that is derogatory, such as “homosexuals.”

  • There are depictions of young male couples. There are depictions of young female couples.

  • A person’s gender identity determines a person’s sex, not the sex they wereassigned at birth.

  • Your instruction about youth’s rights to access care without parental consentaddresses an LGBTQ youth’s right to seek reproductive and sexual health care, or mental health care related to sexual orientation or gender identity confidentially,without parental consent. (emphasis ours)

Statewide parents’ advocate, Aileen Blachowski, warns us, “We are in a battle for our schools!  AB 329 violates the sacred relationship between parent and child!”

Advocates for Faith & Freedom’s attorneys want parents to know their rights and are partnering with pastors, psychologists and education and curriculum experts to produce videos and hold parent and teacher awareness seminars at churches and community rooms across California. There is no charge for these events. Find out more by clicking HERE

If you, your church or community leaders would like more information or are willing to join us on the front lines to protect our kids, please contact Desaré Ferraro at or (951)-304-7583.