Planned Parenthood May Finally Face Criminal Charges

Planned Parenthood has long been a foe of pro-life supporters. While it claims to approach each situation without bias and have women’s best interest at heart, the real purpose of this taxpayer-funded, nonprofit organization is to make abortion easy and common. It tells young girls their decision to abort their baby is “sensible” and “acceptable.” In summer 2015, however, shocking videos incriminating Planned Parenthood staff with selling fetal tissue from abortions went viral—increasingly shattering their already fragile credibility.

The scandal started a string of investigations, but under Obama’s helm, little effort was made to determine whether or not the nonprofit, which donates heavily to Democrats, should face criminal charges.

In fact, more effort was made to investigate the Center for Medical Progress, the pro-life organization that exposed the disturbing undercover videos, rather than the actual purveyors of human baby parts. But with a new, Republican administration making changes in Washington, the tide could be turning for Planned Parenthood.

Last December, Senator Chuck Grassley(R) sent a report to Obama's Attorney General Loretta Lynch and then FBI Director James Comey. In the report, Grassley declares that the committee found “substantial evidence” pointing to the fact that Planned Parenthood violated the law that bans the buying or selling of human fetal tissue and he calls for their investigation and possible prosecution.

And this month, after an Orange County, California seller of these aborted baby body parts, DaVinci Biosciences/DV Biologics, settled for millions and closed its doors, we have good reason to believe Planned Parenthood is closer to being named in a lawsuit of its own.

Within the last few weeks, there have been reports of a possible FBI investigation into Planned Parenthood’s actions and practices. When asked if findings by a Senate investigation could lead to the Justice Department bringing charges, Attorney General Jeff Sessions explained that, depending on the substance of the evidence, it “could provide a basis for charges.”

Whether this investigation proves fruitful, we are grateful the current administration is continuing its thorough examination and uncovering of the unethical and possibly illegal practices of Planned Parenthood.

And yet, there are still so many battles to be fought and won in the courts, for our religious liberty.  We are grateful for your prayers of support! And when you think about your year-end charitable giving, please consider a tax-deductible contribution to our important ministry.  Without you, we would not be able to continue to work on pro bono cases that uphold our Christian beliefs, confident in the truth of God’s gospel and the supremacy of His ways.