Can You Help Us?

As many of you know, our annual fundraising gala, Justice 2014, is coming soon. Many of you have been very gracious and supportive to us in times of need. And now...

We need your help!


During the gala, Advocates will host a silent and a live auction. We are in need of donated items for us to sell at the auction.

Advocates depends heavily on our annual Justice Gala to raise much needed funds so we may continue to defend your First Amendment rights.

Many of you have connections, and many of you have been blessed this last year. We humbly ask that you please take a look at what you have to offer, and offer it for the success of our Gala

Click here for our "Auction Form"

You can also call us at (888) 588-6888

Here’s an Idea of What You Can Give:

Once in a Lifetime Opportunities • A connection with a sports team of any sort to create a unique package (e.g. ball boy for a day at a Lakers game) • Frequent flyer miles – these will help us put together some great travel experiences • Use of your condo/timeshare/cabin • A hot air balloon ride, pilot lessons, a ride in a jet, etc. • Yacht cruise • A trip to a major sports event (e.g. Master’s Golf Tournament, Superbowl) • A one-of-a-kind experience or adventure

Indulgent Packages • Spa Package • Shopping spree at a mall • Weekend get-aways, vacations

Gift Certificates and Tickets • Restaurants • Bookstores • Theater tickets • Movie theater tickets • Sporting event tickets • Concert backstage passes

Other Gifts • Artwork • Autographed sports memoribilia • Ipads • Snowboards or surfboards • Celebrities – autographed photo, etc. • High-end purses and jewelry • GoPro camera • Your business' services • Gifts for the families • New furniture • Home decor