Meriam Ibrahim & Christian Persecution in Sudan

          If you’ve been following the story of Meriam Ibrahim, you’ve witnessed a roller-coaster of events for the courageous young mother refusing to deny Christ. You can read her story here. Ibrahim was brought up as a

Photo: Haz Te Oir. License.

Christian, despite her father being Muslim. Her marriage to her American-South Sudanese husband led to her sentencing as she was charged with adultery and apostasy. South Sudan, whose population has a Christian majority, became independent from the Muslim majority Sudan in 2011.

          Meriam was released Tuesday after an appeals court, overwhelmed by international pressure, struck down her death sentence. There was a great sigh of relief throughout the world and it seemed justice had prevailed at last for Meriam. However she was arrested again at gun point as she tried to leave the country with her husband and their two children.

She was charged with forging documents after attempting to use the documents issued by the embassy of South Sudan to leave the country. Sudan declared the documents invalid because they consider her marriage to her Christian husband invalid. After the online world created a hurricane of outcry demanding her release, D.C. and London are said to be working to resolve the situation.

Sudan has a history of persecuting Christians. According to Sudan is the eleventh worst country in terms of Christian persecution.

We’d like to know your thoughts…

  • Did you know about the situation in Sudan?
  • Did you know Sudan receives hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars in funding from the United States?
  • Is the US government active in using their international influence to fight persecution of Christians in the Middle East?

Share some knowledge with us and your fellow readers in the comment section!

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