Let's Get This Done!

  Advocates for Faith & Freedom is honored to spearhead the fundraiser, “Bibles for Belize,” to help spread the Gospel to the Belize Defense Force. This is an opportunity for us to exercise our First Amendment right to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. As stated in Matthew 5:14, we strive to be “the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.”

After we learned that a Belizean general wanted a Bible for every soldier, we jumped into action by asking supporters of Advocates to help raise $15,000 to purchase Bibles.Bible - open - African American man

We have raised $5,932 because of your generosity. We are one third of the way toward reaching our goal. We will be purchasing 5,000 Bibles (Old and New Testaments) for $3.00 each. It may not be possible for you to travel to Belize as a missionary yourself, but this is your opportunity to sow seed by participating and fulfilling the Great Commission. And He (Jesus) said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 (NKJV)

writing-checkPlease join us today to help reach this goal. Every dollar counts, whether you can give $5, $25, $500 or $1,000…..together we can get this done!

You can send a check or visit our website and be sure to designate the gift to “Bibles for Belize.”

God bless you for your prayerful consideration.