Saving Lives, One Abortion Clinic at a Time

Thirteen years ago, four Christians sat themselves around a wooden table seeking God’s direction on how to stop the scourge of abortion around the globe, especially at their local Planned Parenthood clinic in College Station, Texas. That single hour of prayer birthed a campaign they called 40 Days for Life. To their surprise a grassroots, door-to-door effort emerged with more than 25,000 households reached, resulting in a 28 percent drop in the local abortion rate and the eventual closure of that abortion clinic. The effort gained national headlines and, three years later, the movement was expanded across the country and beyond. A decade later the results—including 13,305 babies saved—clearly have God’s handprint all over them:

  • 4,876 total campaigns
  • 715 cities, 44 countries
  • 750,000 individual participants
  • 19,000 churches
  • 154 abortion workers (including abortion doctors) quit their jobs
  • 86 abortion facilities closed

“It’s a reflection of the momentum that we see in the pro-life movement,” Shawn Carney, president and co-founder, said in a video posted on the ministry’s website “This is a very important time in history as we see Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion  provider, on the brink of being defunded. We see record numbers of abortion facilities closing their doors around the country and around the world, and we see hearts and minds being changed on the issue of abortion.”

Another testimony to the power of this life-affirming movement is its redemptive power.  According to Carney, 25 percent of the local campaign leaders are women who have had abortions and who can personally attest to the devastating consequences of terminating a pregnancy.

    “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.”  Proverbs 31:8

Casey expects this fall’s 40 Days for Life to be the largest ever, and applications to lead local campaigns are now being accepted through June 23 by clicking here.

Is there an abortion clinic near you? Will you join other pro-life individuals in your area and be part of 40 Days for Life’s peaceful prayer campaign? Your efforts can help bring the beginning of the end of abortion!

And please support Advocates for Faith & Freedom as we defend the religious liberties of pro-life clinics like Go Mobile for Life by donating today.  Thank you for your generosity and prayers.