Help Us Bring Religious Exemptions Back

On this Giving Tuesday, please consider donating to our lawsuit to bring religious exemptions back for our kids. In 2015, California's governor signed SB277, a bill that removed religious exemptions within the state regardless of their personal or religious beliefs. This legislation placed California families in a challenging predicament, as they were now required to make a choice between adhering to the state's "one-size-fits-all" injection mandate or forfeiting their children's access to preschool or K-12 classroom education.

We are challenging this bill, seeking a religious objection for those with sincerely held beliefs. California may ultimately defer to the government, requiring the matter to go to the Supreme Court. We need your support to raise $300k to initiate this costly legal battle. Please consider donating, spreading the word, and keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your support!