New Year—New Legal Battles

January Newsletter

As we move into a new year, the challenges and threats to our liberties continue to loom large. Thankfully, we were mentally prepared for the chaos of 2020 and 2021 to transfer into the new year. And that is exactly what we are seeing.

On January 12, a church in the bay area was served by the state of California with a lawsuit because the church refused to force two-year-old children to wear face masks. Yes, you read that correctly.

Celebration Church of Livermore, California and Pastor Larry Ihrig have been harassed by the state since August 2021. When this all started, wildfires in the area and bad air quality meant the children at the church’s preschool had to stay inside all day, some up to eleven hours. In the lawsuit, Pastor Larry is quoted by the state that he will not comply with the mask mandate because it is “child abuse” to force this on children. Pastor Larry gave parents the option of masking their children if they wanted, but he refused to use the church as an enforcement arm of the state.

Because the church did not bend their knee, the state has sent OSHA, building code enforcement, and the preschool licensing agency to harass the church, resulting in their license being revoked. The church has remained steadfast through it all. Although it no longer has a preschool, it continues to hold children’s ministry during the week. As you may have guessed, the state is not very happy about this.

They filed a civil lawsuit against both the church and pastor personally, alleging that the church is running an unlicensed preschool. Thanks to your support, we are able to represent Pastor Larry and Celebration Church, pro bono.  

Sadly, throughout the state we are seeing the trend of Christian preschools having their licenses revoked for failing to enforce the mask mandate on children. It is a targeted attack to shut down churches that are not in lockstep with the government and further control how we raise our children.

Our message to the state: the church will not enforce your insane mandates; stay out of our churches and keep your hands off our kids! Our hope is this case will set precedent that the church does not need a license from the government to minister to children.

We thank God that he has renewed our strength and resolve for the new year. As it says in Isaiah 40:31, “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Please join us in praying this scripture over our Advocates team, Celebration Church, and Pastor Larry.

We pray the same for you. That you will run the race God has set before you in 2022 with endurance, and that you will soar on wings like eagles.

In His Service,


Nada Higuera, Esq.