Press Release | California Court Rules Against Election Integrity

Press Release | California Court Rules Against Election Integrity

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, August 15, 2024

CONTACT: Jake Matthews

Murrieta, CA— Today, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against Election Integrity Project California (EIPCa)’s efforts to ensure every lawfully cast vote is accurately counted. In their lawsuit, EIPCa accused California Governor Gavin Newsom and California Secretary of State Shirly Weber of enforcing unconstitutional election laws and regulations.  

The lawsuit filed by EIPCa alleges that the Governor and Secretary of State violated constitutional election procedures by sending out mail-in ballots to every active voter in the registry and waving signature verification requirements on those ballots. There were no requirements for uniformity, and thus, ballots were handled differently in different counties.

“Unfortunately, the panel affirmed the lower court’s ruling, determining that California’s election rules and practices satisfied requirements for equal treatment,” said Robert Tyler, President and legal counsel for Advocates for Faith and Freedom. “Our elections are a key aspect of democracy in this country and need to be kept secure from interference. This decision fails to protect voting rights for citizens and the integrity of our election process in California.”

Advocates for Faith & Freedom is a non-profit law firm dedicated to protecting constitutional and religious liberty in the courts. Our mission is to engage in cases that will uphold our religious liberty and America’s heritage and to educate Americans about our fundamental constitutional rights.