Why Are "Adult Businesses" Protected More Than Churches?

Local zoning laws are required by law to permit “adult businesses” without the same burdens hurled upon churches. The U.S. Supreme Court has determined that “adult businesses” are entitled to protection from discriminatory zoning laws because the businesses’ “speech” and “expression” are protected by the First Amendment. And why aren't churches and Christian schools entitled to the same protection as “adult businesses”? It's because of the fact no legal precedent has yet been established on behalf of the churches.

We have a plan to correct this injustice in the courts, but we need your help!

Please be on the lookout for churches that are going through the permitting process to occupy a building, expand their facilities or build a new building. Refer them to Advocates for Faith and Freedom because we can probably help.

We have also found that many zoning regulations applied to churches are unconstitutionally applied or violate the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act. Regulations are often unlawful because they impose substantial burdens on churches that are not justified or they impose burdens on churches that are not equally imposed upon other similar uses like movie theaters and assembly halls. Sometimes, churches are unlawfully excluded from zoning districts while other similar uses are permitted.

Please let your church leaders know that we are here to help them. We are searching for the right cases with the right set of facts in order to establish the legal precedent that is long overdue.


Victory in San Diego!

Last week, we received an urgent call from one of our ministry friends, Ron Harper. He asked for our immediate help to prevent the County of San Diego from placing a huge burden on churches.church_parking_lot Ron is a contractor who specializes in building churches. Ron informed us that the County of San Diego was planning to adopt a new law that would require all churches to drastically increase the amount of parking they provide before they expand any facilities or build a new building.

Ron said that the new law would require churches to purchase twice the amount of land currently required. Further, a church would be required to buy almost twice the amount of land that a similarly sized movie theater, convention center or other assembly-type use would be required to buy even though the parking needs are the same.

In most cases, the cost of having church in the County of San Diego would be so great that churches would be priced out of existence.

We intervened and wrote an extensive legal opinion to the County of San Diego on behalf of numerous churches, including Maranatha Christian Fellowship and Horizon Christian Fellowship, explaining why the new law violated federal law. Along with Ron, we were able to build a grassroots effort in about 12 hours that included an e-mail blast from a San Diego state assemblyman and support from San Diego churches representing tens of thousands of residents.

The Board of Supervisors unanimously voted down the new law and in favor of churches. The Supervisors mentioned that this had become “a huge controversy, suddenly-out of the blue.” Ron Harper commented, “It was great to watch a victory come together ‘out of the blue’ in such a short time!”

Thank you for supporting our ministry so that we can quickly come to the aid of worthy causes like this one!  Although this case will never hit national news, the victory will help save millions upon millions of dollars for San Diego churches.

Why Do We Celebrate Presidents' Day?

This week, we commemorated the amazing leaders of our nation on Presidents' Day. But, do you know why we celebrate this holiday? presday

Originally, the holiday fell directly on the birthday of George Washington, our first president.  Thus, the day was meant to celebrate not only this Founding Father, but all presidents that came after him.  In 1971, the date was changed to the third Monday in February, leading many to believe that the day specifically commemorated Abraham Lincoln, as well, since he was also born in February.

Thus, we often think of these incredible men when we celebrate this day each year. It is an appropriate time to remember just what our Founding Fathers stood for and wanted for the fledgling nation of America. We’ll leave you with a couple of quotes from two of the greatest presidents our nation has known:not only this Founding Father, but all presidents that came after him. In 1971, the date was changed to the third Monday in February, leading many to believe that the day specifically commemorated Abraham Lincoln, as well, since he was also born in February.

“It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.” – George Washington

“Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.” – Abraham Lincoln

“The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon.” – George Washington

“My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right.” – Abraham Lincoln

Preliminary Victory for Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship

Calvary_Chapel_Bible_FellowshipShortly after Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship (affectionately known as "The Barn”) was built in 1999, the County of Riverside, CA, covertly passed a ban on further expansion or establishment of churches in the Temecula Wine Country. After The Barn decided last year to expand its church facilities and build a small private country school for grades K-8, they learned of the County’s ban on churches. We have advised the County that the ban violates federal law and is unconstitutional.

Last week, we won a preliminary victory, as the Board of Supervisors in Riverside County, California, voted unanimously to begin considering an amendment to the existing zoning regulations that would allow churches and other religious organizations to move into the Temecula Wine Country! This does not assure churches the right to move into Wine Country just yet, but it does show a positive sign that the Board will begin working with us to correct the unlawful ordinances.


Roe v. Wade - 40 Years Later

This week marks the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, when the Supreme Court made the decision to legalize abortion in the United States.  Since that time,almost 55 million babies have died.  To some, the abortion issue is a controversial one that produces heated debates.  Others are apathetic on the issue and simply accept the status quo – that abortion will always be legal in the US.  In fact, in a recent Pew poll, 53% of respondents (in all age groups) think abortion “is not that important, compared to other issues.”

We choose to continue praying that the hearts and minds of our leaders will be changed, and that we will one day see the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the courts.  As Christians, we believe that life begins at conception and that God plans each life even before that time!  In Jeremiah 1:5, God says, “I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb.”

Our Constitution promises the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – and yet our nation is systematically denying millions of unborn babies their right to life.  Please join us in continued prayer that abortion would be rejected by our President, Congress, judges, and women who are contemplating abortion.

A Positive Outlook on the Next 4 Years

So far, we at Advocates have not said much since the election last November.  But, now that we are in a New Year and looking forward, we want to share our positive outlook on our nation’s leadership, the liberties we possess, and the work that we continue to do! Daniel 2:21 says, “He [God] changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.”  In God’s perfect timing and plan, He set up President Obama to serve as America’s leader for four more years. 

We as a nation – and especially us Christians – should continue to pray for President Obama, for the direction our nation is heading, and for God’s intercession in the issues at hand.  Because, according to Proverbs 21:1, we know that God can direct the hearts of our leaders:

  “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes.”

More personally to us here at Advocates, we continue to thank God that He blessed our nation with a Constitution that is worth protecting.  We are still free to spread the Gospel to others at home and abroad, and we celebrate that.

As long as the Lord allows, we will continue to protect the Constitution and our God-given liberty to spread His Good Word.  Thank you for your continuing support, and we are excited for what is to come this year and beyond!

7 Year Marker: Advocates Gives Us a Reason to Celebrate!

Dear Partner, Looking back over 2012, we have been blessed to play a significant role in protecting our First Amendment right to share the Gospel, in combating hostility toward Christianity, and defending the will of voters. For example:

  • We have continued the fight to protect the right of churches to build and expand their ministry in the Temecula Valley Wine Country against politically powerful vintners.
  • We worked aggressively to defend students’ rights to express their religion in school and developed a booklet to educate parents, teachers, and students of their rights and warn them of the perils in California public schools (available on our website).
  • We continued to fight for the protection of traditional marriage through the defense of voter-backed Proposition 8 in California. Now, this case is at the Supreme Court, where the justices will decide whether to respect the will of voters.

But, this year is our 7 YEAR MARKER – we have been pursuing our goals for seven years! Now, because of the critical times in our culture, we must refine our goals and litigate with greater precision in order to preserve our liberty to share the Gospel. Here’s our strategy:

  1. Plan: We will aggressively increase our caseload with more tactical cases that are directly related and central to our purpose: Defending the first amendment right to spread the Christian Gospel.
  2. Pursue(a) We will pursue opportunities to challenge governmental hostility toward Christianity like the efforts to remove Christian symbols from public display; and (b) We will strategically continue to pursue cases that will challenge unlawful land use and building restrictions that are burdening and censoring churches.

You can help us right now to continue defending religious liberty and to pursue our strategy for 2013.  In order to litigate additional cases, we need to bring in $2,500 in new monthly donations by the New Year.  Please help us reach this goal by December 31st.  Whatever amount you can contribute on a monthly basis will greatly help us to take on new cases to preserve our liberty to share the Gospel.  Simply use the enclosed envelope and indicate your monthly gift pledge, or go online at www.faith-freedom.com/7-year-marker-press-on.

Thank you for supporting our mission! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Case Update:  Religious Land Use WIN for Washington, D.C. Church

Our client, the Fishermen of Man Church located in Washington, D.C., was recently faced with the potential of being designated a historic landmark by a local government agency, the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB). Though this may sound like a benefit to the church, this landmark designation would have placed burdensome restrictions on the church and its activities.

For example, the church had planned to make some much-needed improvements, including placing an attractive sign on the building to better indicate that it is, in fact, a church. Since it is located in the midst of a commercial district, this signage is a necessity to grow church membership. If it were called a landmark, the church would experience crippling delays and costs while the HPRB and local government carried out the landmark designation, and they would be highly restricted from carrying out their planned improvements.

In addition to these burdens, there is also a moral question surrounding the landmark designation.  In the past, the church location was used as a community movie theater, and – in a divisive time in our nation’s history – it was designated as a “whites only” movie theater.  For the congregation of the Fishermen of Man church, which is predominately African-American, this landmark designation was extremely offensive.

We represented the church at no cost and worked with the church’s local attorney in preparation for the hearing. We also sent a demand letter to the HPRB, explaining that the landmark designation they planned for the Fishermen of Man building would violate RLUIPA, the Religious Land Use and Institution

alized Persons Act, which prevents government bodies from applying regulations to religious institutions that would place a substantial burden on religious land use or regulations that are inequitably applied against religious institutions.  The HPRB then realized the church’s rights under RLUIPA and decided against the landmark designation.  Victory for the church!

 This case represents the strategic opportunities we plan to pursue in the future used to ensure the spread of the Gospel.  There are several more churches in the D.C. area alone that are facing the threat of burdensome landmark designations that threaten their very existence.  In many cases, these regulations censor churches and unreasonably control a church’s daily operations causing many churches to flee to the suburbs. We want to defend these churches’ right to not just exist, but to continue to spread the Gospel of Christ in our Nation’s capital!


We ask that you consider pledging a monthly gift so that we can pursue more cases and victories like this one!


God bless you,




Jennifer Bursch Associate General Counsel

7 Years and Counting: Will YOU Help Us Press On?

We are so blessed that, for the past 7 years, we have been able to pursue our mission of defending religious liberty in our nation. Now, at this pivotal time, we are looking to the future – pressing on and continuing our work! In order to do this and to grow our impact, we are hoping to raise $2,500 in new monthly donations by the start of the New Year. If you are able, please consider pledging any amount that you can to our organization on a monthly basis. We rely on these gifts to cover our ongoing expenses and to plan for growth.

We know that pledging a monthly gift is a big commitment. So, we asked one of our longtime monthly donors, Emily, to share her story and why she continues to support Advocates every month:


"I became a monthly sponsor while attending my first Advocates dinner event. I knew little of the organization and was financially strapped at the time. The truth is, as a single-mom with a mortgage, school loans, monthly bills, and no outside financial support I found it easy to rationalize why I could not and should not support Advocates. My decision to become a monthly supporter of Advocates was a step of (hesitant) faith. Through the dinner, I got a glimpse of the people and vision behind Advocates. It was clear that Jen and Bob were carrying out the Lord's work. They impressed me with their zeal to preserve our Christian heritage in America; to defend the ideals of religious liberty and freedom; and they came across as 100% committed to advocating and honoring Christianity's position in America's current-day culture. Seeing dedication like that, how could I not do the same?

Making a monthly gift is a highly personal decision. I encourage you to pray over the decision and to have faith when God directs you to give. I struggled over how much to give and whether or not I would actually be able to keep a monthly commitment to giving. But, since making my first gift, I've never looked back and I haven't gone broke over it! There is no gift too small

, and there is not one dollar that our God can't stretch to accomplish something for His kingdom. Any money donated to Advocates is directly invested into something with a much greater return."

"If not you, then who? If not now, then when?"

If you would like to contribute to the future and growth of Advocates, please pledge a monthly gift right now, and help us reach our goal! All gifts are tax-deductible, and your monthly donation will directly contribute to our mission of protecting the First Amendment right of Christians to spread the Gospel!

7 Year Marker: Press On!

We are now in our 7th year working to protect religious liberty in the courts!  And now, we need your help as we commit to press on towards the goal that God has set before us.

It’s hard to believe that 7 years ago, we opened our doors and began our mission of protecting religious liberty in the courts; enabling Christian organizations, churches, and individuals to be free to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, uninhibited by unfair persecution and prosecution. We have grown tremendously over these past years, and now, we are ready to stretch ourselves even further.

We’re at the 7 mile marker on our journey to our goal, and together with you, we plan to press on toward our purpose with more vigor, more determination, and more resources than ever!

As we move forward into a new year and a new marker on the path towards our goal, we have several objectives that we have laid out in order to stretch ourselves and continue effectively in our mission:

1.      Plan: We will aggressively increase our case load with more strategic cases that are directly related and central to our purpose: Defending the first amendment right to spread the Christian Gospel.

2.      Pursue: (a) We will pursue opportunities to challenge governmental hostility toward Christianity like the efforts to remove Christian symbols from public display; and (b) We will strategically continue to pursue cases that will challenge unlawful land use and building restrictions that are burdening and censoring churches.

In order to spread the mission of Advocates and help bring in more strategic cases, we have redesigned our website (www.faith-freedom.com) and are in the process of search engine optimization so that our website is easier to find by people and organizations needing help.

We are excited about these goals, but we are going to need your help to reach them.  We rely on monthly donations to cover the costs of our operations and to plan for growth, so that we can bring on more cases, confident in the fact that we have the resources to put our best effort towards them.

To continue our current operations and expand to the 2 goals listed above, we have set a goal to bring in $2,500 of new monthly donations by the end of this year. That’s just 100 people committing to give $25 every month!

Please pray about helping us financially on a monthly basis – if you are able to give any amount, we will be that much closer to our goal! Thank you in advance for all of your support –financial, prayer, encouragement…it all means so much to us and shows that we can stretch even further past this 7 Year Marker!

“I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” - Philippians 3:14

God Bless You,




Robert Tyler General Counsel


Ask Advocates

Q: What do the election results mean for our personal religious liberties and freedoms?

A:  That is the question on our minds now, as well.  During his second term, President Obama will be able to appoint at least one but more likely two or three new justices to the Supreme Court.  Since the most important and oftentimes controversial battles for our personal liberties make it to this High Court, we expect to face more challenges in pursuit of religious freedoms.  We are not deterred, however!  We will continue the good fight! Have a question for Advocates?  Send it to info@faith-freedom.com


Case Updates

• We are looking into the case of five churches in Washington D.C. that are facing unfair land use regulations.  The local government is trying to restrict the use of their buildings because of a historic preservation ordinance, which may violate the churches’ free exercise of religion by placing unreasonable restrictions on the use of their property.

• A drug and alcohol counseling organization is being denied state accreditation status because of its biblical stances.  We are researching this case now.

• Every September, we get numerous phone calls from all over the country regarding See You at the Pole at public schools.  This year, students in Wisconsin and Tennessee, as well as a teacher from Texas, faced resistance from their schools when they tried to participate in the event.  We sent demand letters in each instance, and school officials quickly changed their decisions.

Compare the Candidates

Dear Partner,              We are just days away from one of the most important elections of our lifetime. For the past four years, our nation has progressed in a recession that is crippling many individuals, families, and small businesses. 

             But further, this election has great significance for the future of religious liberty in our nation. For the past few years, we have brought our cases in front of panels of liberal-leaning judges at the state and national level. Some of our cases become subject to courts that would rather interpret law in their own way, rather than enforce the law as it exists and has been established for generations in our Constitution. If a real change doesn’t come in the political and legislative realm soon, these trends in the courts may continue to worsen in the next few years.

             These are urgent statements, but we cannot emphasize enough what an urgent time this is for America. Our next President will implement legislation affecting our religious liberties, impact our personal freedoms (like the right to choose our healthcare provider), and decide the path of the courts for years to come with the appointment of one or more justices to the Supreme Court.

For Voter Guide Resources, click here.      


            Several helpful videos concerning voting your values and the impact you can make on November 6th are available at videos.saltandlightcouncil.org. One video regarding pro-life voting offers this staggering statement, “Over 53 million children have been killed by abortion since January 22nd, 1973.” I myself gave a short commentary addressing the right of pastors to comment on issues that, although political, are also important moral issues upon which pastors can express their viewpoints from the pulpit. That video can be found at the Salt and Light website previously mentioned, listed under “Legal Do’s and Don’ts for Pastors and Churches”–“Myth: Pastors on the Frontline.”                     If we truly consider what is most important to us, we will be able to objectively look at the two candidates before us and make a choice that coincides with our beliefs. 

             To help you consider the candidates views, we’ve put together an overview of where the candidates stand on a few very important moral and religious issues:

             Regardless of the outcome, however, I assure you that we will continue our battles in the courts for the sake of generations to come. Thank you for praying for us and financially contributing to Advocates so that we can continue our work in defense of our God-given liberties.

God bless you,          Robert Tyler  President and General Counsel