Mass Attacks on Christians and Churches in Egypt

Last week, mass attacks on Christians and churches began occurring across Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood had accused Christians of being a cause in the ousting of Egypt’s president, Mohamed Morsi, and staged sit ins across Cairo in protest.  When these sit ins ended in violence, the Muslim Brotherhood called for revenge on Christians and began torching and looting churches, monasteries, schools – even orphanages – until the violence spread across the country.

At least 40 churches were targeted in the attacks, which left at least 4 people dead.  In Egypt, Christians make up about 10% of the population, and it’s believed that the violence between religious factions had increased since Morsi came to power.  Even since he was deposed, the government has not given strong support or protection to Christian churches.

Please Pray          We ask that you stand with us in prayer for this nation and the persecuted Christians who are holding onto their faith.  These attacksagainst Christians and religious institutions have not been widely reported here in America – we ask that you share this with others and widen the network of support and prayer.

It is in times and situations like these that we learn to appreciate even more the freedoms we have in America – to worship as we choose and to share the Gospel with others.  May God bless those without such freedoms in Egypt and around the world, who are currently facing persecution and terror in their own homes.

Not Guilty – Christians Acquitted After Bible Reading at DMV

**UPDATE with more information** This month, we took one of our most talked-about cases to trial.  Over two years ago, three men were arrested for reading from the Bible outside of the DMV in Hemet, CA. The officer told them that they weren’t allowed to “preach to a captive audience.” After placing the men in custody, the arresting officers learned that there is no such law, so the officers had to come up with something else–interfering with an open business through obstruction or intimidation. However, the DMV was actually closed at the time our clients were evangelizing and they were standing at least 40 feet away from the business so that citation did not stick.

After political pressure was launched upon the Riverside County D.A. by the CHP, new charges were drummed-up and two of the men–Brett Coronado and Mark Mackey–were prosecuted for failing to have a permit to conduct a “demonstration or gathering.” We defended Brett and Mark by arguing that merely reading the Bible out loud, in front of a group of people waiting in line, can hardly amount to an illegal demonstration or gathering. You can view the video footage of the arrest on our website at

The trial occurred over five days in August, 2013. For some reason, this case was so important to the District Attorney that he appointed a felony prosecutor to this misdemeanor case. The prosecution called eight witnesses to trial; but upon cross examination, we were able to elicit testimony from most of the witnesses undermining the prosecution’s case!

On Tuesday, August 13, our defense team made a motion for directed verdict at the conclusion of the prosecution's case in chief and before we began presenting any defense witnesses. The trial judge granted our motion and found our clients “not guilty!” The judge also commented that he agreed that the law being applied was unconstitutional. By the grace of God, our clients were victorious in this trial!

Some Christians have commented that they disapprove of Brett and Mark's method of evangelism because their approach might be offensive to some people. Certainly, Christians have differing viewpoints on the subject of evangelism. But we want to explain why this case is relevant to all Christians who have a desire to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Why this case affects every Christian

God has blessed us to live in a nation where we have the freedom to share our faith from the pulpit, through our lives, or even on the streets. Perhaps you would not choose the same means of sharing your faith, but if our clients were arrested and charged for reading the Bible out loud on State property, who’s to say that you won’t be prohibited from conducting a small Bible study in the park or singing Christian songs around a fire pit at the public beach?

            We knew that this case had to be fought. These men were simply reading from the Bible in public and the CHP and District Attorney were relentless in trying to prosecute our clients.

         What would you do if you were arrested for sharing your faith in public?  Would you hire an attorney to defend you and negotiate a plea bargain with the District Attorney for a minor infraction? Our clients could have accepted a deal for an infraction, which would have included nothing more than a small fine. Instead, however, our clients stood upon the First Amendment in the face of misdemeanor charges that could have led to a $500 fine and 90 days in jail.

Present-day faith like Paul

This situation has interesting similarities to the biblical events recorded in Acts 16. Paul and Silas had been preaching in Greece and bringing the Good News of salvation. The authorities violated their rights as Roman citizens by ordering them to be beaten and thrown into prison after a crowd rose up against them for preaching the gospel and throwing the city into confusion.

Around midnight, as Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns, an earthquake shook the prison doors open and released their chains. Although they were given the opportunity to run from their trouble, Paul and Silas stood firm in their faith. In fact, when the authorities learned that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens, the authorities begged them to leave quietly. Paul would not have this; he knew that his liberties had been violated as a Roman citizen and he demanded that they be escorted out of prison by the authorities. Paul told the officers, “They have publicly beaten us without a trial and put us in prison­­–and we are Roman citizens. So now they want us to leave secretly? Certainly not!” (Acts 16:37)

Our clients were given the chance to plead guilty to an infraction and end the whole matter, with no jail time. But they, and we, believe that they did nothing wrong–they were exercising their First Amendment freedom of speech in order to spread the Gospel, and they knew that they could not let this injustice go away quietly.

We were honored to be aided in this fight by our co-counsel Nic Cocis, a devoted Christian lawyer who grew up in the Communist era in Romania. He understands how blessed we are here in America, and how vital it is that we always take a stand to preserve our liberties!

            We can now move forward with our federal case for unlawful arrest. Our case will proceed against the CHP in the United States District Court for the purpose of deterring authorities from illegally arresting individuals for the peaceful expression of faith.

         If you believe that everyone should have the right to spread the Word of God without the threat of arrest, please consider a financial gift to help us with this federal case. Any amount you contribute will help to fund the manpower, hours of legal and strategy preparation, filing fees, and travel costs to make sure we are properly equipped for what is to come.

            From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your continued support and the blessing that you are to our ministry!

God bless you,

Robert Tyler

General Counsel



Late Tuesday, Superior Court Judge Timothy Freer found two men “not guilty” after they were charged and tried for reading the Bible aloud in front of a line of people waiting to enter the DMV in Hemet, California. One of them is Pastor Brett Coronado of Reconciled Christian Fellowship in Hemet, California and the other is an elder of the church.Video of Christians Arrested

View the video of the arrest. This story was widely covered by Fox News and many other news outlets shortly after the arrests: Fox News Video.

You can view our previous press release that outlines the facts and charges.

The prosecution needed to prove that the men were required to obtain a permit before engaging in their expressive activity of reading the Bible. After the prosecution rested, the defense team made a motion for directed verdict and Judge Freer entered a verdict of “not guilty” before the defense was required to present its own witnesses and evidence.

Robert Tyler, one of the defense attorneys and General Counsel for Advocates for Faith & Freedom stated, “The prosecution failed to meet its burden of proof that our clients committed a crime when they read the Bible aloud in front of a line of people.”

Nic Cocis, defense attorney and co-counsel, remarked, “These men were exercising their First Amendment right of Free Speech. They were simply sharing their faith on public property and the criminal charges should never have been filed.”

In order for the prosecution to prove that a permit was required under Title 13, Section 1860 of the California Administrative Code, it was required to prove that the defendants were engaged in a “demonstration or gathering” as defined in Section 1851. Judge Freer ruled that there was insufficient evidence to prove that the men conducted either a “demonstration or gathering.” Both definitions require that the conduct of defendants was such that it had “the effect, intent or propensity to draw a crowd or onlookers” and the prosecution couldn’t prove that to be the case.

Robert Tyler stated, “We were very pleased because Judge Freer also agreed that the law was unconstitutional because it gives too much unfettered discretion to law enforcement in determining whether someone’s speech or other expressive activity has the effect, intent or propensity to draw a crowd or onlookers.” He further stated, “Although Judge Freer’s final verdict did not include a finding on constitutionality, his comments certainly vindicate our argument that the law is unconstitutional.”

We had previously filed a federal lawsuit for unlawful arrest before these criminal charges were filed against the men. That lawsuit was stayed pending the outcome of this criminal case. The federal case will now proceed against the California Highway Patrol before the Honorable Dolly Gee in the United States District Court, Central District of California, which is located in Los Angeles.  A copy of the federal complaint can be found [here].

Attorney Nic Cocis emigrated from Romania at the age of 13 when the country was still being controlled by a communist regime. He remarked, “This case has particular importance to me because my family was persecuted for our Christian faith in communist Romania, and I will fight to protect the freedom of speech and to ensure that the same persecution doesn’t occur in the United States.”

Articles covering this story: LA TimesPress Enterprise

Not Guilty – Pastor and Elder Acquitted After Bible Reading at DMV

August 14, 2013FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:  Lori Sanada (951) 304-7583, 500-7854 Robert Tyler (951) 897-1473 evenings


Murrieta, CA. On Tuesday, August 13, Superior Court Judge Timothy Freer found two men “not guilty” after they were charged and tried for reading the Bible aloud in front of a line of people waiting to enter the DMV in Hemet, California.One of them is a Pastor Bret Coronado of Reconciled Christian Fellowship in Hemet, California and the other is an elder of the church.


View the video of the arrest. This story was widely covered by Fox News and many other news outlets shortly after the arrests: Fox News Video.View our previous press release that outlines the facts and charges.

The prosecution needed to prove that the men were required to obtain a permit before engaging in their expressive activity of reading the Bible. After the prosecution rested, the defense team made a motion for directed verdict and Judge Freer entered a verdict of “not guilty” before the defense was required to present its own witnesses and evidence.Attorney Robert Tyler, one of the defense attorneys and General Counsel for Advocates for Faith & Freedom stated, “The prosecution failed to meet its burden of proof that our clients committed a crime when they read the Bible aloud in front a line of people.”

Nic Cocis, defense attorney and co-counsel, remarked, “These men were exercising their First Amendment right of Free Speech. They were simply sharing their faith on public property and the criminal charges should never have been filed.”

In order for the prosecution to prove that a permit was required under Title 13, Section 1860 of the California Administrative Code, it was required to prove that the defendants were engaged in a “demonstration or gathering” as defined in Section 1851. Judge Freer ruled that there was insufficient evidence to prove that the men conducted either a “demonstration or gathering.” Both definitions require that the conduct of defendants was such that it had “the effect, intent or propensity to draw a crowd or onlookers” and the prosecution couldn’t prove that to be the case.

Robert Tyler stated, “We were very pleased because Judge Freer also agreed that the law was unconstitutional because it gives too much unfettered discretion to law enforcement in determining whether someone’s speech or other expressive activity has the effect, intent or propensity to draw a crowd or onlookers.” He further stated, “Although Judge Freer’s final verdict did not include a finding on constitutionality, his comments certainly vindicate our argument that the law is unconstitutional.”

Advocates for Faith & Freedom had previously filed a federal lawsuit for unlawful arrest before these criminal charges were filed against the men. That lawsuit was stayed pending the outcome of this criminal case. The federal case will now proceed against the California Highway Patrol before the Honorable Dolly Gee in the United States District Court, Central District of California, which is located in Los Angeles.  A copy of the federal complaint can be found [here].

Attorney Nic Cocis emigrated from Romania at the age of 13 when the country was still being controlled by a communist regime. He remarked, “This case has particular importance to me because my family was persecuted for our Christian faith in communist Romania and I will fight to protect the freedom of speech and to ensure that the same persecution doesn’t occur in the United States.”

Articles covering this story: LA TimesPress Enterprise

Advocates for Faith & Freedom is a nonprofit public interest law firm dedicated to protecting religious liberty in the courts. The website is

Email to receive press releases from Advocates for Faith & Freedom. Also, join us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on our progress in this case and others.

Trial Begins – Pastor Prosecuted for Reading the Bible Out Loud in Public

Today, the case of two men arrested while reading the Bible - out loud and in public - is going to trial, over a year after the events transpired. One of them is a Pastor Bret Coronado of Reconciled Christian Fellowship in Hemet, California. View the video of the arrest. This story was widely covered by Fox News and many other news outlets shortly after the arrests: Fox News Video.

The men were arrested when they went to their local DMV in Hemet, California, and read from the Bible aloud as people stood in line for the DMV to open.  When the first California Highway Patrol (CHP) officer arrived on the scene, he grabbed the Bible away from the man reading it and said he could not “preach to a captive audience.”  There is no penal code that says such a thing, so the officer later cited them for violating California Penal Code Section 602.1(b) which provides:

“Any person who intentionally interferes with any lawful business carried on by the employees of a public agency open to the public, by obstructing or intimidating those attempting to carry on business, or those persons there to transact business with the public agency . . . is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for up to 90 days, or by a fine of up to four hundred dollars ($400), or by both that imprisonment and fine.”

 This penal code is meant to protect businesses from protesters who intimidate patrons and block entrances.  In this case, the DMV was not yet open at the time the men were there, and they were standing approximately 40 feet away from the entrance of the building.  Obviously, this citation had no merit.

After Advocates for Faith and Freedom filed a federal lawsuit against the California Highway Patrol for unlawful arrest, Riverside County District Attorney Paul Zellerbach decided to charge the men with “trespassing” on State property, a misdemeanor offense under Title 13 of the California Administrative Code, Section 1860(a): “No person shall hold or conduct any demonstration or gathering in or upon any state buildings or grounds unless a permit has been issued by the Department.”

Trial is scheduled to begin at 1:30 pm on Monday, August 5, 2013 in Department S-204 of the Riverside County Superior Court located at 30755 Auld Road, Murrieta, California. The trial is expected to last approximately 4 to 5 days. Criminal defense attorney Nic Cocis of Murrieta, CA, and Robert Tyler, General Counsel of Advocates for Faith & Freedom, will be defending Pastor Bret Coronado and Mark Mackey.

Robert Tyler remarked, “These men were exercising their First Amendment right of Free Speech.  They were simply sharing their faith on public property, and we will defend their constitutional right to do so. This prosecution amounts to nothing more than retaliation for our filing a federal lawsuit.”

The defense contends that the regulation being enforced is unconstitutional because it violates the First Amendment right to free speech and is unconstitutionally vague and overbroad in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment Due Process Clause. Additionally, however, the defense contends that the permit requirement does not apply because the men were not engaged in a “demonstration” or “gathering”.

Also, join us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on our progress in this case and others.

Happy 4th from Advocates!

Dear friends,Fourth_of_July_and_Statue_of_Liberty

All of us here at Advocates for Faith & Freedom wish you a Happy 4th of July!  Today, we celebrate the freedoms and liberties that we are blessed with due to God’s grace and the courage and faith of our forefathers. 

As Thomas Jefferson said:

“God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever. Commerce between master and slave is despotism. Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free.”

May you enjoy this day with your family and friends, and praise God for this nation and our freedom!

The Advocates Team

Hear from an Abortion Survivor

Tonight, May 14 at 7:00 pm, we will be putting on an event along with Student Venture and California Family Council at Calvary Chapel in Murrieta, CA, where a woman will share her story of surviving the abortion experience.   She will also share advice for young women and men about what to do if you experience an unwanted pregnancy, a situation she found herself in.  If you are in the Southern California area, please consider joining us for this event to hear the life-changing story of this brave woman. Here is a short video from the organization, Ripple Affect.

          This event is especially relevant with the news that came yesterday: Dr. Kermit Gosnell, a Philadelphia abortionist who ran a clinic known as the “house of horrors,” was convicted of first-degree murder.  This verdict came in the case of three babies who were born alive, but whom Dr. Gosnell then killed with scissors.

          We praise God for this victory and justice for those three babies, not to mention the countless of unborn children who lost their lives to this abortionist.  We pray that this verdict will make people think about unborn children and abortion in a new way – and realize that all life is valuable!

Planned Parenthood is at it Again

         Planned Parenthood has sponsored and is a key advocate of AB 154 in California – a bill that would dramatically increase the number of abortions in this state. According to Planned Parenthood, the bill would “address the current shortage of health care professionals able to provide early abortion care in California” and reduce long wait times.  If passed, the bill would allow nurse practitioners, physicians’ assistants, and certified midwives to perform first trimester abortions by means of aspiration (suctioning out the contents of the uterus) or medication (drugs that end a pregnancy). Baby_hand_and_adult Not only is this an affront to the value of life, but this could also be a potential safety issue for pregnant mothers.   Allowing non-physicians to administer these procedures could possibly result in a higher risk of complications.

We strongly oppose a bill that widens the availability of abortion and further demeans the value of unborn life.  This bill has already passed through two committees in the California legislature…please join us in prayer as it moves to the Assembly Appropriations Committee!


Please contact the members on the California Assembly Appropriations Committee and tell them you strongly oppose AB 154!  Find their contact information here:

Christianity Under Fire

Dear Partner, Over the past couple of decades, Americans have watched as their individual and religious freedoms have slowly been eroded, taken away, or replaced by governmental mandates and legislation.

The situation we are currently facing reminds me of the frog that is placed in a cold pot of water.  When the water slowly heats up, the frog has statue_of_liberty_under_waterbecome so comfortable there that he doesn’t even realize that he is being boiled alive! 

As Christians in America, we have a lot of freedoms for which we should be continually grateful.  Our Constitution promises us that, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

However, it is our responsibility to stand up for these liberties that we enjoy and make sure that they do not slowly disappear!  Our present actions will directly affect the future reality for generations to come – this fact alone should prod us forward in defense of what we believe and what makes this Nation so great.

Here at Advocates, I regularly see examples of how our fundamental constitutional liberties are being challenged:

Hostile Attacks on Christianity in the Courtroom – Such as the case of Chad Farnan, a high school student who endured almost daily anti-Empty_classroomChristian and anti-religion rants from his Advanced Placement (AP) European History teacher.  We took this case to court, and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals eventually ruled that the teacher could not be held responsible, simply because there was no law or clear precedent that a teacher is liable for his or her statements in the classroom.

Even though the final decision in this case is not what we had hoped for, I am extremely proud of Chad and honored to have fought with him.  We believe that this case was vitally important because, for years, we had heard from teachers who were being admonished or even disciplined for having Bibles on their desk, wearing a Christian-themed t-shirt, or praying with a student.  We felt that it was imperative to stand up for students on the other side of the coin – those whose religious ideologies were being attacked consistently in the captive arena of the classroom.

Silencing Christians – Three men, including a pastor, went  to their local DMV to read the Bible aloud to passers-by, something that they had done previously as a ministry.  On this day, however, the men were arrested by an officer who, after ripping the Bible from the pastor’s hands, said that the men could not “preach to a captive audience” and eventually charged them with “trespassing.” We are defending these men because we believe that, as Americans, we possess freedom of speech.  Even if we would choose a different method for sharing the Gospel, we believe that Christians must defend their right to spread the Good News.  If we don’t protect this right now, we very well might find our options for sharing the Gospel greatly restricted in the near future.

Why We Christians Must Take a Stand – You may have heard of the recent incident at Florida Atlantic University, where a professor  instructed his students to write the name of Jesus on a piece of paper, put it on the ground, and stomp on it. This instruction was given as a classroom “exercise.”

After the media storm that ensued, the university put the professor on academic leave and banned the “stomp Jesus” exercise from all future classes.

This is a great victory, and it happened because Christians were outraged by the incident and spoke up.  What would have happened had local pastors, reverends, and Christians stayed silent?

Sometimes, it can be difficult to take a stand for what we believe to be truth, based on God’s Truth.  It can feel like we are in the minority or that we are alone in the fight.  But, that is not a reason to stay silent.

If we don’t stand up for our God-given liberties and constitutional freedoms – right now – who will?  And, what will the future hold for the generations of Christians to come?

  National Day of Prayer is May 2nd!

On Thursday, May 2, Americans will join together in a collective National Day of Prayer.  This year’s theme is “Pray for America,” based on the followingPraying_hands_in_front_of_American_flag Bible verse:

“In His name the nations will put their hope."   Matthew 12:21

We encourage you to take a moment with your family on this day and pray for America, our president, our legislators, and the hardships that we are facing in today’s economic environment.  Also, let’s remember to bring thanks to God for all of the freedoms that we enjoy in our Nation. God Bless America!

God bless you,





Jennifer Bursch

Associate General Counsel

Planned Parenthood Wants to Perform...Webcam Abortions?

Recently, Planned Parenthood has refiled a lawsuit in Wisconsin to reinstate its legal right to practice webcam abortions. What IS a webcam abortion?

Well, the abortion industry wants to make getting an abortion as easy as a push of a button. 

In what Planned Parenthood calls “telemedicine” or “telehealth”, a woman would be able to chat with a medical doctor through a webcam – meaning over the Internet – and if the doctor is satisfied with the conversation, he would press a button, at which time a drawer opens for the woman and a pill is made available.  This pill is an abortion-inducing drug, one of which is RU-486.

So, without a physical examination of this woman, a doctor can remotely approve and deliver an abortion through drugs.

Please take a moment to watch the video below.  Though we don’t necessarily endorse all the views of the organization that prepared the video, we do think it is informative, heart wrenching, and a further motivation for us to continue to advocate for the unborn, who cannot speak for themselves.

Webcam Abortions

(Click on the image above to view the video on YouTube)