Victory for Hobby Lobby

Hobby Lobby Wins!liberty

The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that closely held corporations cannot be required to provide contraception coverage in conflict with their beliefs. The decision was issued in a 5-4 ruling Monday morning. The enormous forty-nine page majority opinion was written by Justice Alito, with Justice Kennedy writing a four page concurrence. Justice Ginsburg was joined in her dissent by Justice Sotomayor, with Justices Breyer and Kagan each filing their own dissenting opinions.

The major question in the case was whether a corporation would have protection under the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). According to the Supreme Court, yes they do. The Court held that closely held corporations are "persons" for purposes of RFRA. This means that RFRA gives protection not only to individuals, but also to closely held corporations. A closely held corporation is a private corporation with limited shareholders, usually family members or other close associates. RFRA is a federal statute that only applies to actions of the federal government and does not apply to the state.

“This case will have a substantial and beneficial impact upon a current case we are defending where a private corporation in California is being sued by former employer for alleged religious discrimination.” Robert Tyler, General Counsel, said “We have been awaiting this decision and are looking forward to applying this decision to protect religious freedom in the future.”

Meriam Ibrahim & Christian Persecution in Sudan

          If you’ve been following the story of Meriam Ibrahim, you’ve witnessed a roller-coaster of events for the courageous young mother refusing to deny Christ. You can read her story here. Ibrahim was brought up as a

Photo: Haz Te Oir. License.

Christian, despite her father being Muslim. Her marriage to her American-South Sudanese husband led to her sentencing as she was charged with adultery and apostasy. South Sudan, whose population has a Christian majority, became independent from the Muslim majority Sudan in 2011.

          Meriam was released Tuesday after an appeals court, overwhelmed by international pressure, struck down her death sentence. There was a great sigh of relief throughout the world and it seemed justice had prevailed at last for Meriam. However she was arrested again at gun point as she tried to leave the country with her husband and their two children.

She was charged with forging documents after attempting to use the documents issued by the embassy of South Sudan to leave the country. Sudan declared the documents invalid because they consider her marriage to her Christian husband invalid. After the online world created a hurricane of outcry demanding her release, D.C. and London are said to be working to resolve the situation.

Sudan has a history of persecuting Christians. According to Sudan is the eleventh worst country in terms of Christian persecution.

We’d like to know your thoughts…

  • Did you know about the situation in Sudan?
  • Did you know Sudan receives hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars in funding from the United States?
  • Is the US government active in using their international influence to fight persecution of Christians in the Middle East?

Share some knowledge with us and your fellow readers in the comment section!

How Can YOU Help? Click Here

Justice 2014 is Coming...How YOU can help!

Help make Justice 2014 our most successful gala yet!
 Advocates' Justice 2014 Gala
Advocates for Faith & Freedom is proud to present Justice 2014 ~ Understanding the Times. This year’s Justice Gala will take place September 27th, at the Hilton Orange County in Costa Mesa. We’re working towards a more successful gala than ever before. This exciting event includes a three-course gourmet dinner, engaging speakers, and both live and silent auctions!


Here at Advocates we rely on God’s providence to carry us as we fight for your First Amendment rights. The Justice Gala is a major contributor in covering court fees and other litigation expenses to continue the important cases being fought in America’s courts to uphold your religious liberty. It’s a very special event, and we would love for you to be a part of it.


Visit our Justice Gala Event Page at


Here are a few ways you can help:

1. Secure tickets to attend Justice 2014 Like we said, this is going to be an amazing event that you won’t want to miss. Purchase individual tickets for you, your spouse, family members, friends, neighbors, bible study groups, and work associates. Don’t forget to upgrade to Liberty Tickets to have access to the exclusive Liberty Reception before the dinner and receive an autographed book.

2. Purchase a table at Justice 2014 For the best value and the best experience at Justice 2014, be sure to purchase a table so you can enjoy the event with yourself and nine others. If you buy a table, you’ll pay for nine tickets and receive the tenth one free. Upgrade to a Liberty Table and you and each person at your table will have access to the exclusive Liberty Reception before the dinner and receive an autographed book.

3. Donate an auction item to Justice 2014 During the Justice Gala, Advocates will host a silent and a live auction! Do you have something special that you know someone out there would really enjoy? It may be services offered by your company, sports event tickets, frequent flyer miles, gift certificates, spa packages, weekend getaways, or any other one-of-a-kind experience or adventure. Please take a look at what you have to offer, and offer it for the success of our Gala!

4. Advertise at Justice 2014 Put your company’s name right in front of a coveted, conservative audience by purchasing an ad in our Justice 2014 program. Spaces are limited in this information packed program, and they will go fast!

5. Become a Justice 2014 Freedom Sponsor We can’t host the Justice Gala without sponsors. If you feel Lord has blessed you and wants for you to give back, then join in our efforts by becoming a Justice 2014 Freedom Sponsor. You will receive access to our Liberty Reception, advertising benefits, plus many more exclusive sponsor benefits.

6. Make a donation If you can’t make it to the Justice Gala, you can still be a part of our mission. Help us continue protecting religious freedom by donating $50, $100, or even $500 to Advocates today!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lori Sanada at 951-304-7583 or  All of us here at Advocates and our clients thank you very much for your support and donations to this important event.  Our ongoing legal efforts are not possible without YOU!In His Service,
Robert Tyler General Counsel & Ron Strand Liberty Legacy Title Sponsor

Sentenced to Death for Faith in Christ: A Call to Action

As many of you have heard, this past month a Sudanese judge sentenced a Christian woman by the name of Meriam Ibrahim to death. What crime did she commit? She believed in Jesus Christ as her true Lord and Savior. Meriam was raised a Christian by her mother, but her father was a Muslim. This was enough for a judge to rule her an apostate, a crime punishable by death in Sudan. She has also been charged with adultery because the judge has declared her marriage with her Christian husband invalid. Locked up and pregnant with her second child, Meriam had to give birth in the prison’s unsanitary health clinic. She shares her cell with her newborn as well as her 20-month-old son as she awaits 100 lashings followed by her execution. Opportunities to recant her faith have been given to her but Meriam refuses to turn her back on Christ. She is an inspiration to us all, and she now needs our help.

How can you help? Below we have provided a list of ways you can help Meriam Ibrahim.

  1. Pray, pray, and pray some more!
  2. Contact your Member of Congress and urge them to support H. Res. 601, which calls for the release of Meriam Ibrahim.
  3. Like her Facebook page to show your support.
  4. Sign the petition calling for release!
  5. Write or email the Sudanese authorities directly.


Minister of Justice Mohamed Bushara Dousa Ministry of Justice PO Box 302 Al Nil Avenue Khartoum Sudan Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Ahmed Karti Ministry of Foreign Affairs PO Box: 302, Republic Street Khartoum Sudan Fax: + 249 183 772941 Minister of Interior Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamed     Ministry of Interior, PO Box 873

1 John 3:17 - But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? 

Galatians 6:2 - Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Vote Your Values!

With elections just around the corner, we wanted to remind you how important it is to vote in accordance with your values. As Christians, we have a moral obligation to promote the common good through the exercise of our voting privileges. However, it isn’t easy to keep up with every issue and politician in the political sphere. So, here are a few resources to assist voters as they head into elections:

Learn where the candidates stand on issues and visit the AFA Voter Guide by clicking on the "Voter Guide" icon and enter the address where you are registered to vote to be presented with the specific candidates you will be voting for.

Christian Coalition publishes a number of special voter educational materials - from Congressional Scorecards, which demonstrate the voting records of members of Congress, to Christian Coalition's Election Voter Guides, which show where candidates stand on important pro-family issues.

The Heritage Action Scorecard measures votes, co-sponsorships, and other legislative activity.

For our California supporters, you may wish to view…

California Family Alliance (CFA) is a not-for-profit, political action organization that works in affiliation with California Family Council. CFA’s purpose is to advocate for pro-family, pro-life issues at the grassroots and legislative levels.

Information based on candidates’ views, records and positions from a Christian worldview for California Governor and State Offices; U.S. Congress, California State Senators and Assembly Members; County, City and Judicial races.

Remembering our Heroes this Memorial Day

Today, we remember all who fought courageously in battle and gave the ultimate sacrifice to defend the freedoms and liberties we possess today.  Every time we experience the freedom to speak our minds, worship our God, and share our faith in our community, we remember the grace of God and the sacrifice that soldiers have made to keep our Nation a free one. We also recognize and pray for our veterans and those currently serving in the military.  We ask that God’s peace, hope, and protection be with them and their loved ones – today and always.

            Please join us in prayer and thanksgiving on this Memorial Day!

California Legislature Approves Gender-based Abortions

  Recently, the California Assembly Health Committee chose to reject a proposed bill that would have prohibited abortion based on a baby’s gender.

This should have been a no-brainer….of course we should not allow abortions based on gender selection.  However, California has failed to support that logic, and the Assembly voted right down party lines, 6-13 against the bill.

Assemblywoman Shannon Grove, who brought the bill to the legislature, said, “I know that the political stance is normally pro-choice and under a woman's right to choose but someplace there has to be a line where it's not okay. And I submit to you today that it is not okay to have an abortion just because it is a little girl...”

We are saddened by this decision, and we ask for your prayers for the unborn who cannot speak up for themselves.

Presenting the Gospel while "Under Oath"

Dear friend, More and more, we are experiencing governmental lawyers who seem to have no religious affiliation, no exposure to Christianity, and no knowledge of some of the most basic Christian principles like the “Great Commission.”  To many governmental lawyers, the concept of a Christian spreading the Gospel is almost putrid to their senses.

I am writing my thoughts as I ponder upon a deposition currently ongoing in one of our cases. Our client was questioned by an attorney from the California Attorney General’s Office and I anticipate, based on her questions, that she will eventually argue that our client’s attempts to share the Gospel is not protected religious speech because it is offensive to some members of the public.

Here’s the “silver lining” that is apparent in the deposition transcript: The deputy attorney general has been questioning our client about hell, sin, salvation, good works, and sexuality. She has also questioned whether our client’s group believed that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and salvation. How do think our client responded? He shared the Gospel message in love and compassion to the governmental lawyer!

“When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.” Luke 12:11-12

Far too often, we are experiencing governmental officials who seem to think it is their job to sanitize the public from exposure to a Christian perspective. As our American culture becomes more and more secularized, it is going to be more and more important for us to educate public officials and to defend the First Amendment in courts so that Christianity is not censored in all public arenas.

This is why it is our stated mission to “defend the First Amendment right to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

The good news is that we have had significant success in this arena! From the acquittal of Christians sharing their faith on public property who were criminally charged to students sharing their faith in public schools.

Let us give you some more good news from California! We were recently contacted by Texas-based Liberty Legal Institute and Pastor Rick Moore of Calvary Chapel Laguna Niguel. Pastor Rick was attempting to rent city facilities from the City of Laguna Niguel in order to launch his new church. However, when Pastor Rick contacted the City, he learned that although the City rented their facilities to nonprofit organizations, the City could not rent to religiously based organizations because of a discriminatory provision embodied in the City’s ordinances.

With help from Advocates for Faith & Freedom and Liberty Legal Institute, we were able to properly advise Pastor Rick and warn the City Council about the unconstitutionality of the policy prohibiting the temporary rental of property to religious organizations. After a public hearing last month, the City Council voted unanimously to eliminate the discriminatory policy so that churches could rent City facilities just like other nonprofit organizations.

Thank God for this Victory!

Although we recognize that our culture is embracing a radicalized and secular culture, we are excited that God has placed each of us on this earth “for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14)

Please remember to pray for us as we continue to work in this ministry of protecting our First Amendment right to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you have the ability, we would greatly appreciate your financial support for the ongoing costs we incur to protect religious liberty. In His Service,

Robert Tyler General Counsel


US Supreme Court Upholds Prayer

This week, the United States Supreme Court issued a great ruling in favor of religious liberty. The court ruled that legislative bodies may begin their meetings with prayer, even if the prayer is Christian in nature or directed toward a specific deity.Prayer In the 5-4 decision, Justice Kennedy wrote, “Ceremonial prayer is but a recognition that, since this Nation was founded and until the present day, many Americans deem that their own existence must be understood by precepts far beyond the authority of government.”

This case concerned the city of Greece, NY, and its City Council meetings, which begin with a prayer. Most often, that prayer is a Christian one. The opposition argued that these prayers violated the First Amendment, which prohibits the establishment of a specific religion, because they did not seek out a more diverse group of prayer leaders. The majority ruled that the City Council prayers did not violate this law, because the Council did not coerce all attendees to participate in the prayer, and they did not offer any benefits to those who did participate.

We celebrate this victory for prayer, handed down by the highest Court in our Nation!

Join our discussion on Facebook and Twitter, and let us know what you think of this decision.

A Victory in California...and The National Day of Prayer

A Victory in California!           Let us give you some good news from California! Recently, we were contacted by Texas-based Liberty Legal Institute and Pastor Rick Moore of Calvary Church and StateChapel Laguna Niguel. Pastor Rick was attempting to rent city facilities from the City of Laguna Niguel in order to launch his new church. However, when Pastor Rick contacted the City, he learned that although the City rented their facilities to nonprofit organizations, the City could not rent to religiously based organizations because of a discriminatory provision embodied in the City’s ordinances.

          With help from Advocates for Faith & Freedom and Liberty Legal Institute, we were able to properly advise Pastor Rick and the City Council about the unconstitutionality of the policy prohibiting the rental to religious organizations. After a public hearing last month, the City Council voted unanimously to eliminate the discriminatory policy so that churches could rent City facilities just like other nonprofit organizations.

            Thank God for this victory!

National Day of Prayer is TODAY

          Please join us today, May 1, 2014, as we pray for our nation, our leaders, our families, our schools, our churches and ministry leaders, our children, and our future on this National Day of Prayer.

          Please go to our Facebook or Twitter page and share with us what your prayer is today.  Let’s join together as one to lift up our voices to our Almighty God and ask for His providence and guidance!