Advocates for Faith and Freedom has increasingly seen the speech of Christian students silenced at public schools. We’ve represented students that were wrongly told they cannot talk about their faith or pray during their free time at school and that they cannot hand out flyers with religious content.
Sex Ed Even More Graphic & Biased in 2019-2020 School Year: Advocates Wants Parents and Teachers to Know Their Rights!
Pro-life in Action
When AB 775 (or the “Reproductive FACT Act”) was shot down by the U.S. Supreme Court last June, hundreds of thousands of common sense-loving Californians breathed a sigh of relief. The FACT Act, signed by Governor Jerry Brown in 2015, demanded that Golden State crisis pregnancy centers — and crisis pregnancy centers alone — advertise where and how clients could get abortions…
Four Significant Cases in Need of Your Prayers
This month’s newsletter should have been the 5th in our series of attacks on Constitutional liberties, but after reviewing some of Advocates’ recent major cases, I felt compelled to stop and share with our steadfast supporters these current legal battles – and to ask for your faithful prayers. These cases reveal a radical attempt to abolish Christianity’s unimpeachable principles from our children, our communities, and our culture, but Proverbs 18:10 tells us, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.”
Tyler & Bursch, LLP Files Discrimination Lawsuit Against Vimeo On Behalf of Church United
Follow Up on SB 24: California Colleges Closer To Easy-Access Abortion That May Not Be So Easy
Thank You! To everyone who was able to find time on June 11 to call the California State Assembly Health Committee and ask them to vote NO on SB 24, Democrat State Senator Connie Leyva’s anti-life bill requiring all of California’s public universities to make Chemical Abortion Pills available to young college students up to ten weeks into their pregnancy.
California's Life Ending Mandates Bleed Onto College Campuses
While forthright governors in states like Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio and Utah are signing “Heartbeat” bills and limiting abortions to the first trimester, three Democrat governors in California, Oregon and Washington have signed a joint letter, encouraging the rest of the states to join them in passing much stronger laws against restricting abortions...
Unions and Upholding the Janus Decision: #4 on Our List of "Top 5 Attacks" Against Constitutional Rights
City of San Diego Settles with Vision Church: San Diego Pot Production Company’s Attempt to Remove Church Unsuccessful
On May 15, 2019, Vision Church and the City of San Diego signed a settlement agreement proposed by Tyler & Bursch, LLP on behalf of the church.
The settlement would finally resolve the over one year battle with Cannversions, Inc., the marijuana production company that worked to vacate the church building because of a City ordinance restricting them from operating near a church.
Discrimination and Censorship: #3 on Our List of "Top 5 Attacks" Against Our Constitutional Rights
Over the last two years, Advocates for Faith and Freedom has been hearing from social media users about Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube’s censorship of conservative social media posts. Unfortunately, there has not been much we could do about this because discrimination based on political views is not unlawful. However, we finally have a great case based on unlawful religious and sexual orientation discrimination, and we are taking action…