Christian Prison Ministry Sued... for Being Christian

Christian Prison Ministry Sued... for Being Christian

Advocates is representing Prison Ministry of America (PMA), a non-profit Christian organization started in 1926 that provides prison inmates with Bibles, prayer, discipleship, and worship services.

Much to PMA’s dismay, it was recently sued by a Muslim religious leader who claims that PMA’s chaplain application, which had a Christian statement of faith, was discriminatory.

New Year—New Legal Battles

New Year—New Legal Battles

As we move into a new year, the challenges and threats to our liberties continue to loom large. Thankfully, we were mentally prepared for the chaos of 2020 and 2021 to transfer into the new year. And that is exactly what we are seeing.

On January 12, a church in the bay area was served by the state of California with a lawsuit because the church refused to force two-year-old children to wear face masks. Yes, you read that correctly.

For Such a Time as This

For Such a Time as This

My mission in founding Advocates for Faith & Freedom over fifteen years ago was to defend the First Amendment right to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ until the Lord returns. Just as Paul was compelled by the spirit in Acts 20:22, I feel the Lord compels me to continue Advocates’ mission, no matter how difficult things get.

Give Thanks to the Lord!

Give Thanks to the Lord!

I’d like to introduce you to Dominic Adams, our new Development Director for Advocates for Faith and Freedom. He joined our team in August and has been an incredible asset. Here is a gracious note from Dominic that he wanted to share with you, our supporters.

I was first introduced to Advocates a few years back when Nada was speaking at a local fundraiser for a pregnancy resource center. Her personal story and how the Lord used her to defeat a wicked bill that forced pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise for abortion (the Reproductive Fact Act) has stuck with me.

Great Power and Great Responsibility

Great Power and Great Responsibility

Before I knew God was calling me to be a lawyer, I wanted to be a police officer. I spent four years studying criminal justice and preparing for the police academy. Police officers are heroes in the truest sense of the word, and they selflessly protect our community. But they also must be held to a high standard and accept accountability for mistakes.

I believe the San Bernardino Police Department made a mistake on August 28, 2021 when five officers surrounded and immediately arrested a pastor who was standing on a public sidewalk preaching about Jesus Christ.

All Hands On Deck

All Hands On Deck

What I love most about working for Advocates is the opportunity to defend our First Amendment right to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Those are the cases I am most passionate about.

The past few months have been challenging for me because we have been inundated with calls, emails, and requests for legal help about the COVID-19 shots

COVID Vaccine Mandates – The New Battleground for Civil Liberties

 COVID Vaccine Mandates – The New Battleground for Civil Liberties

Advocates has been heavily engaged in civil rights battles since the early days of the pandemic. While the government has lifted some restrictions on personal liberty, the next wave of legal challenges across the country will be in the vaccine mandates arena.

We have been receiving hundreds of inquiries about COVID-19 vaccines. While adult vaccine mandates are unprecedented, and the legality has yet to be answered in court, there are serious constitutional issues implicated. Below is an outline of the current state of the law and a few cases Advocates has taken on to help set sound legal precedent in this new area of law.

Criminal Charges Have No Standing!

Criminal Charges Have No Standing!

On July 24, 2020, Mr. Green, hosted an outdoor community worship and baptism service. The religious service was intended to be conducted at a time and place where people could worship God, outdoor on the beach, and receive baptisms in the Pacific Ocean.

Later that same day, the Huntington Beach Police Department issued Mr. Green a citation for hosting the event. The citation amounted to a misdemeanor and ordered Mr. Green to appear before the Court for violating the Huntington Beach Municipal Code (HBMC) by holding a “large scale event.”

Public Employee Unions Lie and Cheat to Maintain Power

Public Employee Unions Lie and Cheat to Maintain Power

For parents unable to enroll their children into private school or unavailable to home-school their kids, public schools need to reopen. But, before teachers’ unions will even consider allowing their teachers to come back into the classroom, these powerful, self-serving public unions demanded Congress pass the $1.9 trillion bill which includes $130 billion for schools.