New Chief Litigation Counsel

May Newsletter

As you can imagine, the last few years of unprecedented attacks on our liberty has created an unprecedented need for experienced litigators battling for our freedom.

This is why I asked an old friend and colleague, attorney Nate Kellum, to join our ministry. Nate is now our Chief Litigation Counsel - overseeing all our litigation. Our partnership with Nate has resulted in an expansion of our caseload across the country including religious liberty cases in Alabama, Colorado, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

Nate is an experienced attorney who has defended religious liberty in courtrooms across the country for over three decades, managing more than 500 litigated cases and 40 appeals before various federal appellate courts. He has won many landmark decisions along the way, including Johnson v. Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board, confirming the right to hand out Bibles in a public park during a public festival, Boardley v. Dept. of Interior, striking down restrictions on distribution of gospel tracts in national public parks, and Brown v. Polk County, upholding the right of a state employee to live out his Christian faith in the government workplace.

Nate epitomizes the ultimate mission of Advocates for Faith & Freedom: Protecting the First Amendment right to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

As a sought-after speaker and commentator, Nate has appeared on numerous television and radio shows, including Huckabee, Hannity, Big Story, Fox and Friends, and the Hugh Hewitt show. He has been frequently quoted in major print media, like Time magazine, National Review, and USA Today. He has also written op-eds and articles for various media outlets, including Townhall, American Thinker, One News Now, and has been a regular contributor for the Christian Post.

Nate also serves as pro bono General Counsel for Life Choices, Inc., a pregnancy medical clinic and is a ruling elder at Independent Presbyterian Church (PCA), located in Memphis, Tennessee.

Nate earned his Juris Doctorate from the University of Mississippi, graduating with honors in 1988. He is admitted to state bars in Tennessee and Mississippi, as well as several federal appellate courts and the U.S. Supreme Court. He resides in Memphis with his wife, Lori, and their five children.

We are prayerfully seeking to hire two more courageous litigation attorneys who will valiantly protect and defend freedom and set legal precedent for the nation. As a non-profit, we can only do this with your support. If you feel the call to be vested in this mission, please consider donating. Whether a one-time gift, or recurring contribution, your support is instrumental in our collective cause of freedom. As always, please pray for us, our clients, and all parties involved in each case.

In Christ,


Robert H. Tyler, Esq.