Protecting Our Pastors

April Newsletter

We hope this letter finds you well. Each one of us carries burdens and trials in this broken world we live in. We look forward to heaven, where there is no suffering or stress. We wanted to share positive developments in the cases we’ve been working on and hopefully brighten your day.

A few months ago, I wrote about Pastor Arturo Fernandez who was unlawfully arrested while preaching the gospel on a sidewalk in San Bernardino. Instead of filing a lawsuit, I reached out to the police department to inform them of the issue and request an apology. We always like to do this, but it usually does not help to resolve anything. This time, however, the police department was grateful for our letter. They acknowledged the First Amendment violations and were willing to make it right with the pastor. We were able to settle the matter amicably, without having to file a lawsuit that lasts several years. The pastor now can freely preach without worry of getting arrested. His rights were vindicated!

We were also able to help another pastor defend his right to free speech. Pastor Dennis Hodges serves on a human rights commission in San Diego. There was a proposal regarding transgenderism and inclusivity which he abstained from voting on. Some other members of the commission forced him to explain why he abstained, to which he explained his Biblical views on gender. After he spoke up and called out transgenderism as sin, he immediately had a target on his back. The LGBTQ+ community aggressively pushed to have him removed from the committee. We were able to step in and represent Pastor Hodges. We attended committee meetings and advised the committee that it is illegal to punish Pastor Hodges for his religious views or speech. Thankfully, Pastor Hodges still has his seat on the committee. Although that battle is not over and Pastor Hodges continues to face the relentless woke mob, we are optimistic that the threat of legal action will keep the committee from removing Pastor Hodges.

We have one final update. This one is not as positive, but we know the Lord has a plan. In our case Domen v. Vimeo, we filed a writ with the United States Supreme Court asking them to uphold the principal that internet platforms may not discriminate on the basis of religion. That writ was denied. As the law stands, internet companies can freely discriminate for any reason. This extends to far more than social media platforms. It has grave consequences because shopping, banking, healthcare, and many other things are done online. These platforms may be allowed to discriminate based on race, religion, etc. We will continue to fight against this censorship and discrimination. All it takes is one case to change the law.

Thank you for your faithful support and prayers. Thank you for taking the time to read this in the midst of all the other things vying for your attention and resources. We ask that you would specifically pray for God to give us wisdom on which cases to take. We know we cannot take on everything, and we want to be strategic and make a big impact. We know there are many great ministries that deserve your support, and we truly appreciate any donation you feel called to contribute to Advocates for Faith & Freedom.

In Christ,


Nada Higuera, Esq.