Standing Firm Together

February Newsletter

The new Biden administration may pose threats to our God-given freedoms, but remember, the faith of observant Christians abides, no matter who occupies the Oval Office.  

Despite President Trump’s flamboyant personal flaws, many of his policies and actions were remarkably aligned with our Judeo-Christian values. He returned the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, a city sacred to Judaism and Christianity, and the success of Trump’s Abraham Accords historically increased to six, the number of middle east nations that now recognize the Jewish state and Israel’s right to exist.

Considered the most pro-life president, Donald Trump created policies that banned funding for overseas abortions and implemented a rule that blocked federal Title X dollars from supporting abortion-providing clinics. Unfortunately, Biden is hard at work, reversing these pro-life achievements.

And, sadly enough, President Biden fully backs Big Tech censorship of our First Amendment rights, stating that his administration supports the power of Big Tech monopolies to restrict “hate speech” even further. Clearly insinuating that the definition of ‘hate speech’ is at their sole discretion.

Supporters like you make a massive difference in the quest to preserve our God-given freedoms. Your generosity fuels the defense of religion, life, free speech, and more, every single day. But clearly, our freedoms are facing many grave threats:

·       Pastor Mike McClure and Calvary Chapel San Jose face charges of contempt from the county of Santa Clara for holding indoor church and worship services.

·       Vimeo, a video sharing platform, deleted Pastor Jim Domen’s account because he is a Christian who identifies as a former homosexual - considering his message of love and redemption to be hateful.

·       Dr. Steven LaTulippe had his medical license suspended after speaking at a rally against healthy people being forced to wear masks.

Please be assured that because of your help, Advocates for Faith & Freedom is ready for whatever this moment requires.

Together, we will fight for our liberties in the courtrooms across this nation – all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, if necessary. When government officials and Big Tech violate our constitutional freedoms, we must be there to counter them every step of the way.  

A response of this magnitude requires the help of supporters like you. When you give to protect religion, life, and speech, you are standing against an evil ideology that has persisted in our nation for far too long.

 New and Current Case Updates

Doctor under fire: Dr. Steven LaTulippe called us for help when his medical license was suspended after he spoke against healthy people being forced to wear masks at a “Stop the Steal” rally in his home state of Oregon. We filed a complaint in Oregon Federal Court on his behalf.

Parents of LAUSD students want their schools opened: We are in the process of filing a lawsuit against Los Angeles Unified School District , UTLA, and others for refusing to open public schools for in person instruction. We are representing parents and children in the district who are fighting for equality of education.

Domen vs. Vimeo: The hearing was in December for our case against big tech discrimination. We are still awaiting the judge’s decision as to whether our appeal was granted.

Calvary Chapel Ukiah and Fort Bragg/River of Life Church: ACLJ joined us in filing a lawsuit against the State and Butte and Mendocino counties based on the unconstitutional ban of singing worship in church. We filed a motion for a preliminary injunction to halt enforcement, pending the outcome of the case. For now, joyful civil disobedience continues!

Calvary Chapel Godspeak: Pastor Rob McCoy and his church were sued for holding indoor services. The County sought to have the church physically boarded up and threatened to fine the pastor and his congregants. We filed a cross-complaint to hold the state and county liable for their overreach. A trial setting conference is scheduled for April 5, 2021. Despite sanctions and threats of arrest, the church continues to meet.

Cross Culture Christian Church: We partnered with National Center for Law and Policy to file a restraining order against the County of San Joaquin and the City of Lodi and its police department for targeting and placing special burdens on churches because of COVID-19. We will also file for Preliminary Injunction. The hearing is March 9, 2021.

Calvary Chapel San Jose: The church and Pastors Mike McClure and Carson Atherley have been fined, collectively, over $1.6 million for holding indoor church services. The January 29th contempt trial resulted in the church being fined, but the judge suspended the fines against the individual Pastors as long as the church fully complied with the county health orders. The following Sunday, the church was open to all. A meeting has been scheduled to discuss compliance requirements.