Steadfast in Faith!

What freedoms will our children and grandchildren inherit?

American’s have experienced nine months of COVID-19 restrictions imposed by state governments – some more restrictive than others.

I cannot predict when those restrictions will be lifted. But I can predict that defending your religious freedom will be as important as ever in the year ahead.

Some government officials will continue restricting religious freedom by deeming church non-essential, big-tech platforms will continue censoring messages they disagree with. And new networks will continue broadcasting messages of fear to feed civil unrest.

No matter the longevity of these targeted attacks against people of faith, your First Amendment freedoms will need a strong and fully funded defense.

As we look to the next calendar year, and work to fine tune our long-term strategy for victory in the courts, we have momentum because of the foundation that you and your family have provided. Your generosity is making a difference, and we trust that as you read the enclosed report, you will see the impact that you are making around the globe. 

God has blessed us with opportunities to influence the legal culture in big ways over the past several months. We are advocating in various courts from California to New York – engaging in lawsuits defending churches and pastors – and engaging the public in many areas in between. In most of these legal matters, we are experiencing an uphill battle. In all, as you will read, we are experiencing immense hope and courage through our fearless clients.

In the context of explaining the Church, Paul states in I Corinthians 12:26, “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.” This report is an acknowledgement of that unity for which you have been such a critical part. May it be a cause for rejoicing but also serve as a reminder of the people of faith who still suffer persecution. Our clients need our care, our support, and our advocacy

As this turbulent year comes to a close, will you help us finish strong with a tax-deductible gift?

We are counting on God’s people to provide funding to protect and preserve our God-given freedoms in the year ahead so that we can preserve the first amendment right to share and practice our faith. Will you give a gift today? We must be steadfast in countering the attacks on religious freedom.

As of this date, we do not know the outcome of the presidential election, but we are grateful for the appointment of many federal judges over the last four years that we will count on as unprecedented and difficult times await us in the future.

Thank you for standing in the gap with us to protect religious liberty and the Judeo-Christian principles America was built upon. We consider your friendship a deep blessing.

P.S. Merry Christmas to you and your family, and may God give you the good gifts of Matthew 7:11. I believe you are God’s blessing poured out on us as we move forward in these battles for religious liberty. This is not a time for us to give in or shrink back from the battle. Instead, it is a time for us to stand together as the Body of Christ, for together we stand a fighting chance.

We are your voice in the courts!

Call to action to donate to Advocates for year end donations