Huge Triumph Amidst Surge in New Cases

Huge Triumph Amidst Surge in New Cases

In a culture where constitutional liberties are increasingly challenged, Advocates continues to stand as a defender of the principles that define the United States as a beacon of freedom and prosperity. Our mission is clear: safeguarding the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution, from religious freedom and free speech to election integrity, parental rights, and the protection of both born and unborn children. As the landscape of American society shifts, so too does the battle of forces facing both Americans and people of faith. This ever-growing battle demands steadfastness as we wade through an era marked by shifting cultural norms and legal precedents.

Santa Clara County Employees Granted Class Action Status

Santa Clara County Employees Granted Class Action Status

In early 2020, the emergence of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, prompted unprecedented governmental measures restricting freedoms. Schools closed, industries shut down, travel bans were enforced, and even religious gatherings faced prosecution. The government decided which activities were “essential” and which were not.

2024 National Gathering for Prayer & Repentance

2024 National Gathering for Prayer & Repentance

This year, we were privileged once more to take part in the National Day for Prayer and Repentance, standing alongside numerous persecuted pastors of America, several of whom are our clients. Together, we lifted our prayers to God for our state, our nation, and for repentance.

Navigating Challenges and Upholding Liberties: A New Year Update

Navigating Challenges and Upholding Liberties: A New Year Update

As we step into the new year, our pace is marked by an increased workload, fueled by a surge in the number of cases we're handling. Presently, we are managing 20 active cases, reflecting the ongoing challenges to our liberties, demanding heightened defense efforts. Gratefully, we have a committed team that tirelessly safeguards our constitutional and religious freedoms. Your unwavering support is a tremendous blessing, empowering us to persevere in our mission!

Press Release | Religious Freedom Advocates Claim Victory in California Fight for Access to Federal Food Programs

Press Release | Religious Freedom Advocates Claim Victory in California Fight for Access to Federal Food Programs

By denying access to the federal food program to religious institutions, the government is putting the health and wellbeing of impoverished youth at risk simply because of their affiliations with religious organizations.

2023 Annual Review - A Year in Triumph: Forward in Faith!

2023 Annual Review - A Year in Triumph: Forward in Faith!

It has been another epic year for Advocates for Faith & Freedom. As we gear up for the next, it promises to surpass the significance of the past. Last week, we were asked to accept the defense in another nationally significant and historic case. It concerns the case of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop. Garrett Ziegler and his nonprofit organization, Marco Polo, are being sued by Hunter Biden for their pivotal role in exposing the contents of Hunter's laptop. Their extensive research made it accessible to Congress and the public, contributing significantly to today's national news.

Help Us Bring Religious Exemptions Back

Help Us Bring Religious Exemptions Back

California's governor signed SB277, a bill that removed religious exemptions within the state regardless of their personal or religious beliefs. This legislation placed California families in a challenging predicament, as they were now required to make a choice between adhering to the state's "one-size-fits-all" injection mandate or forfeiting their children's access to preschool or K-12 classroom education.