A former member of the governing body of the St. Joseph, Missouri Public Library claims in a lawsuit that the decision not to re-appoint him last year is a violation of his rights under the First and Fourteenth Amendments.
Lawsuit filed against school district for unlawful discrimination against employee with a religious exemption for the COVID-19 vaccine, who was singled out for mask-wearing and subsequently terminated despite a valid medical exemption.
As you may recall, in 2019, Advocates took on a case against Vimeo, a video sharing platform, to fight against the increasing problem of social media sites discriminating against Christian views.
Public school teacher, Jessica Tapia, was fired after her refusal to harm children by affirming the gender ideology policies of her Southern California school district, including the directives to lie to parents.
California Department of Social Services permanently cut off a faith-based learning center’s public funding to feed needy children due to their deeply held religious beliefs regarding human sexuality.
SB 107 allows minors to obtain gender transition procedures like harmful puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and irreversible surgeries without parental consent, while denying parents access to their child’s medical information.
AB 2098 declares that it will be deemed “unprofessional conduct” for doctors to advise their patients of any view that deviates from the official position of the State regarding COVID-19.